Chapter 7: Chismosa

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"All white team tanks eliminated! Blue team wins!"

As the announcement rings in the whole El Fraile. Andressa just gives a deep sigh. Dissapointed but accepted the unavoidable defeat.

"I guess we still need to practice more" Andressa thinks.

She looks on the M4 Sherman that Luna commands. There's Luna, also looking at her. She just give a thumbs-up which Andressa replies with the same gesture.

Andressa hears what sounds like air getting chopped repeatedly. She looks in the sky and sees a helicopter the looks like leaving the El Fraile.

After a while, the towing trucks collected all tanks for repair. The defeated crews just happily rides along with their tanks and when the truck reach the stage. They all quickly drop off and face the huge crowd that cheers on them with intensity.

"Whoa?! They really enjoy the fight aren't they?" Mariposa ask.

"Well. We do our best after all. Even though we're defeated, atleast we give them entertainment that they looking." Josie replied.

Andressa just watch the crowd. Applauses are loud and some are even shouting support. She smiles because she gain the trust of the people. Support of people in El Fraile would be benefial for their morale and also only few would object about the establishing of the senshadou team.

Luna and her team arrives with their tanks. They stop in front of Andressa. Luna quickly jumps and walks to Andressa.

"That was a fun match. Our training really pays off." -Luna

"Yes. I'm slightly confident that we can give fight to Ooarai."

Luna becomes slightly annoyed on what Andressa said.

"Hoy! Be more confident than that! We still have time to practice so we should do our best to improve!"

Andressa apologize while scratching her head. While the team is chatting with excited on the recent match. Poly and her club member approach them.

"That was very fun to watch. It really makes me excited on your battle with Ooarai." -Poly

"Well. All of us are excited." Josie replied.

"Yeah. I think thats true. Ok, we should do the ending ceremony first."

And the entire event ends when the two team meets again in the stage and gives their gratitude.

"Thank you for the fun battle!" All of them said then bows to each other. The people claps partnered by loud cheers. Thus formally ending the match.

While the people are slowly leaving and the entire venue is getting cleaned. The team helds a meeting on their training grounds led by Poly.

"Well then. Andressa's White team lose so it's time for them to face the consequences." Poly said with an unnerving seriousness on her face.

"Huh?!" Andressa, Josie and Mariposa reacted.

"Hahaha just joking. But honestly, I wish I put stakes there so all of you really show your skills. Tehe~" Poly said then winks.

The entire white team gives a sigh of relief.

"But first! Let's eat. The recent match must make you hungry so our friend in Saunder's gives us food."

And as Poly says her words. The journalism club members appears, they walk outside the tank garage lifting what looks like crates and boxes.

"Wait? Saunders watch our match?" Andressa ask.

"Only Kay. She just want to make sure that your team have the skills."

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