Chapter 26: Echoes

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Kuromorimine Girls Academy, Graf Zeppelin School Ship.

In a meeting room used by the Senshadou team, Erika is currently in front of her laptop. She's talking to Maho which is now in Germany studying. Since the Winter cup months ago, the two are having a hard time to contact each other due to their busy schedules but this time they finally have free time so Erika and Maho didn't waste any of it.

"Congratulations for your Achievement Erika."

"But... I believe... Its still not enough." Erika frowns as she remembers their performance in the Winter cup. Maho smiles lightly, glad that she can see that side of Erika again.

"I watched every replay of your matches and I want say that you really improved a lot and also manage to change the doctrine of Kuromorimine."

"But... Is changing our doctrine bad? I mean, Kuromuromine use the doctrine in a very long time."

"Erika... I want you to remember that everything is going to change. What is effective now might get useless in the future. This also applies to every tank doctine used by other schools."

"But is this really necessary? Also, how about the image of Kuromorimine which is shaped by our iron clad doctrine?"

"Erika, you already started change the doctrine. Remeber your fight with Pravda during the winter cup."

Erika easily remembers what Maho is talking about. She can't forgot especially the first time that she really feel happy while playing senshadou, the time she's having fun and freedom on a hobby she truly loves. Erika sweetly smiles with nostalgia, feeling like its happened years ago.

"It seems that you remember that." Maho says then also smiles.

"Geez Maho... You really make me remember that time I cheer loudly to myself."

Maho chuckles...

"Well... Do you now realize what I mean?"

"Yes... Maybe Kuromorimine really needs change. After all, the whole senshadou scene also starting to change since Miho with Ooarai appears."

"Good decision Erika. Anyway, do you have any news?"

Erika thinks for a moment then remembers the most recent event she wants to tell to Maho.

"Oh! Maho, do you know the recent news?"

"Uhmmm... No. Sorry but I really focused my time to academia in recent months."

"I see... Well, do you remember Corrigidor Girls High School?"

"Hmmm... Ah, the new senshadou team that fight my sister's team right?"

"Yes. Right now, both Ooarai and Corrigidor is preparing for another match."

"A rematch?"

"Not really a rematch. Hmm... to be honest, Its really complicated."

"Go ahead, I have plenty of free time."

Hearing Maho's answer, Erika takes a deep breath the starts to explain everything she knows. The exile of Andressa and their refuge in Ooarai, the new president, Saunder's challenge to Corrigidor and now the upcoming match of the two team. Maho shows seriousness hearing that the situation is almost like the first battle.

"I see, what is the opinion of other schools about this?" Maho's question.

"Everyone is curious. Probably they want to see if Corrigidor still have the flare they show during their first match."

"How about you? Do you have a plan to watch it?"

"Eh? Well... Maybe I'm going to watch it. It's better to learn tactics from other team to formulate counter measures and also, I'm curious about their dynamics and the new tactics they might implement." Erika states while fidgeting her hair. Maho smiles.

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