Chapter 25: A blaze fueled by emotions

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El Fraile's Nature Reserve

Somewhere in the depths of the forest, a group of Corregidor senshadou students are camping with their Type-97 Chi Ha. As part of their strategy, their team are tasked on staying on their current location.

But its been 2 hours and yet they still didn't recieve any call of action from their teammates. The students already set a campfire and cooked different dishes as they wait.

"Another day of this stupid nonsense." One of the students said as she grilled skewered longganisa.

"How many days we doing this? I forgot." A student wearing glasses asked.

"Hmmm... 7 days? 10? 12? To be honest, I also don't know." A calm student respond. She seems to be their captain.

"That doesn't matter. 5 days from now, our battle would start so its better to just prepare." A reserved student commented as she roast a hotdog on a stick.,

The angry student proceeds to distribute the longganisa to each of them then she gives one big bite to her portion.

"You know, I'm starting to question if Emilia is really suitable as a leader?" The angry student said.

"Why do you think so?" The calm student asked.

"Ok, when is the last time you see Emilia coordinating with us personally?"

The other three thinks for a moment then they simultaneously shake their head. Signaling that they didn't even remember.

"See? It's Ori that coordinates us since the begining and our supposed commander is always missing yet Emilia have the audacity to demand too much for us. She's really starting to get in my nerve." The angry student ranted then she sips on her mug of black coffee..

"But, no matter how much we complain, our words would never do any significans considering who Emilia is."

The quartet sigh as they imagine the exhausting training all of them endure everytime.

"Speaking of complaint. I think the leader of Forestree club always visit the SC Office and complaint against Emilia. In fact, she already did it so many times." The calm student suddenly remembers something.

"I guess it doesn't work quiet well. She did it so many times so it means Emilia just ignored her completely." The reserved student said as she look closely on the the hotdog she was cooking. The student frown when she realize the hotdog is quiet overcooked.

"I admire her perseverance." The student wearing glasses said.

"ENEMY APPROACHING GO BACK TO YOUR ASSIGNED LOCATION! I REPEAT! ENEMIES APPROACHING, GO BACK TO YOUR ASSIGNED LOCATION!!" A voice in their radio calls, after hearing the call. The four students panicked and hastely gets everything, put them in their tank and quickly moves out.

To their hurry, they forgot to fix their camp and as they leave, the group also disturbed the fallen dried leaves on the ground which a large amount directly goes near to the campfire.

Meanwhile, in the Student Council's office. Emilia and Makiling are arguing with each other about the Nature reserve while Ori just watch quietly.

"How many times I need tot tell you that leave the nature reserve now. You already destroyed most of it so let the remaining survive." Makiling's solid point, each words are full of intimidation but Emilia is seems unbothered and just continue to do her paperworks.

Triggered, Makiling walks to Emilia's desk and each step she make are hard and very audible. After reaching the table, Makiling slams her hand in front of Emilia's paperworks.

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