Chapter 16: Feast

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Inside of Pravda's Zurb Class Landing Craft.

"WOAHHH! ITS REALLY A FORTRESS!" Katyusha watch in the window with awe as she saw the peculiar battleship island.

"Looking at it feels so weird yet its Fascinating." Nonna commented.

"To think that Saunders are capable to build something like this. Its really showing their wealth." Klara states his view on the top 1 richest school.

"Thats wrong. The one that start this project is the Blue Division High School but due to budget costraints, they decide to sell the rights to Saunders."

"You... Really did you research huh?" Katyusa says with a very confused look. Nonna just smiles.

"Anyway! I'm so excited on what are the things we going to enjoy there. But I'm still confuses on why we should bring extra clothes and... Umbrellas?" Katyusha says while thinking.

Inside of a elegant cruise ship owned by Saint Gloriana.

"Darjeeling-sama? Why we should bring umbrellas. The extra clothes are reasonable but still I don't understand the Umbrella." Orange Pekoe asked as she looks in the umbrellas they bring, suggested by Saunders.

Darjeeling sips on her tea first before answering the question with elegance.

"To be honest, I also don't know. But if Saunder says so, it might be really neccessary."

The others teams meanwhile. Despite bringing umbrellas and extra clothes themeselves are also wonder on why they should bring umbrellas. Maho thinks that its part of the tradition while Nishi believes that the area must be always raining for some reason.

All team decides to wait for each other before going to the Corregidor Girls High School. When completed, students from Corregidor asked for their extra clothes and electronics and put them in designated plastic containers for each school. When asked why, the students just gives a very cheeky smile.


Several minutes after reaching the town...

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" Erika screams while trying her best to block every water balloon.

Maho is smiling as she effortly deflects all water balloons coming on her way. But her efforts goes to waste as she get hit in the head. When Maho looks back, she saw Erika, already soaked in water while holding another water balloon. In their sides are children giving them water balloons.

"You traitor." Maho jokely says.

"Sorry Maho. Its unfair that I'm the only one that soaked in water here." Erika says before giving a smug smile.

The Kurumirohime students joins the fun of water fight with the locals.

On Saint Gloriana side. All of their students made a wall of umbrella to protect themselves. Darjeeling was in the middle of the formation and their team walks while confident that their protection would last.

"Easy." Darjeeling says before drinking tea.

The Pravda team meanwhile...

"Katyusha-sama! What we should do?!" Klara ask while she panicks on the sudden event.

"I don't know! It's a surprise attack out of my comprehension! Nonna! Why you don't have any idea about this?!" Katyusha rants as she also throwing water balloons.

"I'm so sorry Katyusha-sama. I didn't see any information about this. Sorry." Nonna says while firing her water gun.

Both Anzio and Chi-ha tan students joins the yearly tradition of El Fraile. Both of them join forces to fight the locals.

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