Chapter 29: Rush

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"why!? Why why WHY!?" Sodoko's panic screams.

"Captain please stay calm!" Gomoyo is almost panicking as she tries to calm down their leader.

The distress came from the fact that they trying to intimidate Zweischneidig by staying motionless in front of them. For some reason, Zweischneidig doesn't move or fire a shell at them. The infamous tank just observe Mallard team and with their steel visage, no one can really tell what's in their mind.

"Hey Andressa why you doing this to us!?" Sodoko cries.

"I'm so sorry but we need to do this in order to win." Andressa's reply.

"But we don't even have a chance against that monster!"

"We can't really tell that unless you try right? Also, look at them. It seems that they really like to accept your challenge."

"Huh!? What challenge!?" Sodoko is shocked that there's more layer to their plan.

"A 1-vs-1." Andressa's short answer.

"W-w-wait! I thought you going to help us!?" Sodoko panics even more.

"We going to do that don't worry. But from now, you need to entertain our guest over there. Who knows what they might do if they lost patience."

At first, Sodoko tries to object, but she think that the conversation would lead to nothing also Andressa is seems serious on their plan so she just decides to comply.

"Ugh! Fine! We going to do it! Just make sure your plan works or we going to become angry at you!"

"Tehee~. Consider that as a deal." Andressa cheerfully agrees.

Sodoko drops the call and prepare herself to the upcoming duel.

"Gomoyo! Pazomi! This is the hardest challenge Public Morals Committee encountered so far. Prepare yourself as things is going to get chaotic."

The two responds with an ok. Meanwhile Andressa is now ready to relay more details on the radio for the remaining Ooarai tanks. But she cancel it and decides to talk with Josie.

"Josie. First of all, I want to know why you present this plan?"

"Hmm... Enemy with that caliber requires team effort to defeat."

"I see, but why you emphasize the 1-vs-1? Isn't that opposite of teamwork?"

Josie smiles calmly before she continues.

"This is just my theory but base on my observation, it seems that the crew of that Black Firefly is just like having fun."

"Hmmm... Like Mariposa?"

"Hoy Andress- wait... Ok I think I can see why..." Mariposa's failed denial.

"Yup. If they can manage to entertain that tank for a while and stray their attention to us, maybe we can surprise and corner them."

"Ohhhh... I see." Andressa is amused.

"But why we put Mallard team as a bait? I believe given the situation, we or Anteater is better at that job." Mariposa asked.

"Our tank is needed to this plan, also. I trust Mallard that they can execute this plan flawlessly."

"Fine, I not gonna ask more questions. I wish the plan you two formulate would work. Just leave the driving to me." Mariposa says then smirks.

"Andressa, scan the area please."

Andressa reveal half of her body outside of the hatch then she proceeds to scans the whole area. Being in a open space amuse Andressa as she can clearly see the surroundings. Aside from a plain where their battle is currently happening, what she can also see further are mix of trees especially on West and North where a forest is visible and also the area where Leopon and Anglerfish is hiding right now, and vast area of grass in every direction tall enough that it can completely hide most of the tanks in expense of vision once they enter the said area. The only way for someone to see on the grassy field is to get in higher elevation or stay on the already flattened area created by the tanks after some time. A moutain is also seen in the East but it's so far that its not relevant for their plan. Andressa then summarize what she observes and Josie nods as the field is might be beneficial for them.

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