Pt. 55

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" What River?...Why would you do that?" Lily whisper holding tightly on Rivers weak hand " Your the only one strong enough to beat him. I've lived for a very long time and never experience anything outside of Nearon Village. I'm happy you came into my life you gave me a little adventure" Max smiles sadly looking down at his shaking hands. River noticed the tears rolling down his cheeks she squeezes Lily hand with all the strength as she got left " Please look after him for me he likes to act like he's so tuff but.." Max looks up at her with watery eyes she gives him a sad smile " He just a big softy and that care of Alexander to...I've known them both a very long time" Alex reaches out his hand wiping Rivers tears off her face giving her a bittersweet smile " I'll see you on the other side" she nods her head pressing her lips. Max shakes his head as she looks at him " I should have never gave you that damn book" he whispers wiping his tears away. She laughs holding one of his hands weakly " I'm happy you came in handy" she smiles looking up at Lily " I'm sorry he ruined your beautiful hair on the plus side you much more bad ass this way" she whispered trying to lighten their mood. Lily let's out a weak laugh hanging her head tears freely falling " Thank you River you always know what to say" River smiles weakly eyes slowly closing she hand falling limp in Max's " Goodbye River and...Thank you" Lily whispers in a shaky voice Alex rubs her back softly. River died right in Lily arms and their was nothingshe could do about it she swallows back more tears she hands Rivers now cold body gently over to Max before standing up slowly walking towards Alistair her head down choppy hair blowing around her face. Valentine yells as he throws one of the demons off Jinx's back over the side of the edge of the penthouse into the endless darkness below. Jinx looks at him with a smile before she jumps on another one of the demons back clawing into his neck he falls to the ground holding his neck as he bleeds out. They turn their eyes to the last guard he looks between them shaking his head " I'm out!" he yells trying to run back inside. Jinx laughs opening a portal right in front of him he runs right through it before it disappear " Where did you send him?" Valentine asks she looks over at him shrugging " Well he didn't want fight us sooo I sent him to the deepest part of the ocean where he can fight with oxygen" Val laughs high fiving her with a grin. Alistair fires a big ball of fire right at Bill slamming him against the wall unconscious he lets out a evil laugh throwing his head back " Finally I can end you" He changes up his fire it gets brighter and brighter in his hands. Lily walked right past Jinx and Valentine to Alistair he was so focused on killing Bill he didn't notice Lily send a hard punch at him she lands the hit knocking him off his feet " Your suppose to be dead why aren't you dead!?" he yells standing up. She looking at him with pure hatred " I refuse to lose another friend today" he lets out a angry yell sending fire at her she quickly blocks with her wrist. She's looking into his eyes with straight fury and sadness " This is for mom!" she punches him straight in the face leaving him disoriented " This is for River! " she says punching fire right into him in the chest. He pushes her away making her stumble on her feet to a knee he doesn't wait for her to recover before sending a wave of maga at her. She turns her head just in time to see it flying towards her she quickly sticks out her hand fire shots hot out her palms. When the forces meet a loud bang and crackle of energy echoes around them. Lily groans struggling for a moment to stand with the powerful energy pressing against her but she finally managed to stand fully holding both her hands up against her father " You think you can beat me? Hah your weak Lily just like your mother she burned and now so will you" he yells laughing Lily groans from the heat sweat forming on her brow. She see's her friends about to come help " No! stop! I refuse to lose any of you I can do this!" Jinx looks conflicted between wanting to help and staying out of the fight " Of course you have this Lily" Jinx yells thinking there was more then one way to help her friend Max nods as he holds up his hands yelling " Yah finish this quick so we can go home" Valentine wraps his arm around Jinxs shoulder grinning " You've already faced so much this is nothing honestly" he picks nonchalantly with his nails. This frustrates Alister he uses one hand of fire at them Valentine makes a psychic shield in front of them blocking the flames " Shut up you idiots" Alistair glares at them her eyes turn red all her anger,sadness and frustration has pushed her to this point she let's out a growl anger tears streaming down her cheeks " I'm not weak! I'm strong because of them! I'll never lose to someone like you!" With all her strength she pushed her powers harder her fire turned into hot magma able to over power him surprising him his eyes widen at that her new found strength. The powerful maga forces him against the railing of the penthouse over looking the endless darkness and screams below. She runs at him full speed kneeing him in the crotch making him groan in pain she holds him up grabbing onto his horns forcing the him back over the rail she whispers in his ear " And this is for me burn in hell" she forcibly pushed him right over the railing she hears his screams as he falls down out of sight. Lily pant heavy eyes slowly turning back chocolate brown hands tightly holding the railing her whole body hurt but it was over it was all finally over " Lily are you alright?" Alex whisper as they all began to walk closer towards her Lily passes out exhausted straight to the ground.


It's been three months since everything happened they had a funeral in Nearon village shortly after. They buried River under a shady willow tree. Beautiful blue flowers grow on her burial ground which brought warmth to Lily's heart every time she saw them she decided to keep her hair shoulder length in memory of the day she lost her friend. Bill went back to hell taking over Alistairs old position at first Satan wasn't having it but it was obvious Bill was the best candidate for the position. It was still hell but there was alot more order under Bills watchful eyes. Valentine and Jinx was currently dating they had a house together in Nearon village Jinx said though hell was alot better with Bill in charge she wanted them to start their new life together somewhere new and peaceful. Valentine agreed with her and so far they loved living together but according to Jinx Valentine really needs to learn how to pick up after himself but hey boys will be boys. At the moment they are traveling the world Max even made a potion for Jinx so she would look less noticeably like a demon while traveling. When she drunk it to everyone else they would appear for a few hours as a normal human couple. He told Jinx it was to save the world from seeing her ugly face which Jinx proceeded to beat him up for they still fight like children but honestly they are the best of friends now. The last Lily heard from Jinx and Valentine they were in Indonesia Valentine made sure to send pictures of them from time to time along with the occasional knick knack. Though Valentine was an incubus he really found solitude with Jinx she clearly could please him well because he never mentions wanting to be with another woman other than her he realized after everything that happened lust wasn't the only way to use his magic. All he had do was think of his love for her his need to protect her to use his magic which was handy to know. He was a completely changed man and couldn't wait to spend the rest of his immortality with her. Now that Lily was immortal she thought it was for the best that she don't live in her old house so she and Alex got a house together in Nearon village along with Momo in a big white tree with light blue flowers. Lily's a teacher telling the different creatures of Nearon all about the outside world of humans and on Halloween she would even take them out trick or treating. Don't worry she ended up called her friends Emily and Cherry telling them she moved and said sorry for not telling them sooner but she promised to visit them frequently which she did along with phone calls and emails. At first they were pissed that she just left without telling them but they soon got past that and we're just happy they were able to hear from their best friend again. Cherry is currently on RuPaul's drag race thriving and being his best self Emily and her husband had frequent couple dinners at their home with Lily and Alex which Emily always made big meals for. Alexander and Lily are happy to finally have time to fully enjoy being a couple and do all the cute couple things like movie night, ice skating on the frozen lakes, and cuddles by the fire. Alexander retired from his job as a guardian angel he realized the only person he wants to protect now is Lily. However he still went to heaven occasionally to see his sister and River of course. still the same old Max but now he spent alot more time with his friends instead of just spending time by himself in his tree house practicing magic or playing on his switch. Though he has made somewhat of a name for himself in the gaming community online he had his own YouTube Channel 2TheMax collaborating with different YouTubers like Markiplier,Jacksepticeye and even PewDiePie. He was kinda famous in the human world even though he never showed his face to his 800k fans that seemed to love and support him while enjoying the mystery of never seeing his face. At the end of Lily's unfortunate story everything seemed to work out for everyone kind of like....a MIRACLE. God smiles softly before closing the story of Alex and Lily slowly placing the book back on the shelf holding his arms behind his back as he continues to walk down the long isles of books.

The end

(Mia note: Well it's over guys it's been a fun crazy ride when I first started this story I didn't know where it was going but here we are and I'm happy with the ending I'll see you in the next story 💙

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