Pt. 27

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" You guys got pretty wasted last night after we went to that bar I decided to let you both stay here" Lily trys to explain the night that her friends didn't remember. It was hard to lie to them but this was the only way some times ignorance is bliss....and they seemed to easily fall for it Emily checks the time on her phone before standing up from the couch " Damn I gotta go I have to get ready to go teach classes someone has to teach those kids" Cherry rolls his eyes following her lead standing up " Or you could call out and they can find a substitute?" Emily was a workaholic so that was definitely not in the cards for her. They make they're way over to the front door "Let go half on a uber it will drop me off then it can drop you off at home to get ready. The dance studio will be opening soon like you said someone has to teach these people and I guess that's us" they wave bye to Lily waiting outside for there uber to pull up as she watches them by the window. As the Uber pulls up Cherry blows her a kiss as they both get in and drive away with them in the back seat Alexander suddenly appears on the spot beside her " Ready to talk yet" Lily let's out a sigh honestly she didn't want to go through talking about what happened last night but this wasn't something they could just sit on she thought to herself before turning towards him " I don't know Alex that never happened to me before it seems I have powers now and a serious temper problem those guys just attacked us on the way to a bar". She whispered playing with the necklace around her neck the events of last night play in her head like a movie she was completely out of control " I was so angry watching them hurt Cherry and Emily I thought they were going to die right in front of me I've never felt so powerless in my scared I begged them to stop but they didn't listen. Before I know if everything went black I was filling with just so much rage I couldn't control myself the next thing I knew I was covered in blood and everyone was dead around me" he rubs over her back trying to sooth her " I'm a monster now...a murderer" her voice brake's tears rolling down her cheeks she lays her face in her palms softly crying. It was true she did kill those men but Alex saw it more like self defense then murder she asked them to stop and they choose not to listen their death was on their own hands " Why didn't you come sooner?" she asks softly pressing her lips tightly looking at him she was kinda mad at him maybe if he came sooner she wouldn't be a killer. Alexander understood her frustration he had some explaining to do " Every so often angels have to come in for a meeting to make sure they are taking care of there humans properly it's mandatory and there's no excuse to get out of it" Lily nods her head following along but to her it was stupid as hell that they couldn't get out of a meeting if their human was in danger " Needless to say the word has gotten around in the magic community that the demon named Alistair is after you". He looks down in his lap Lily's eyes widen slightly hearing her fathers name how was it possible that kind of information got around  " They basically told me that I need to step up my game as your angel because right now I'm failing them. I knew you where in trouble but they wouldn't let me leave early saying if I was a good guardian angel I would have left you in a position where you weren't in danger at all it was complete crap I'm sorry baby". She nods her head now understanding but now she was more pissed at the higher up angels for just not letting Alex leave when she needed him " You not going to work today you'll call out. Lily you need to stay here and relax this is all very thematic" he says changing the subject he didn't want her to stress any more she nods her head walking into her room to grab her phone so call off for the day.

" You said she would be here today I don't like my time being wasted like this" Valentine says with a scowl on his face glaring at Jinx. She paces around Infront of him she was sure the human would be here today but where the hell was she? Jinx was able to find out that the human worked at this place now she wasn't even here what a lousy employee " I know...I know it looks like we may need to make a house call" it seemed they would have to work alittle harder if they wanted to get the human today. She knew Valentine was getting frustrated with her but he would have to just suck it up and get over it until the job was done if he wanted those rubies. He sighs Jinx was testing him she better not be running him around in circles or she would be sorry the time he spent with her he could be fucking some random whore and to him that would be time better spent but he decides to give her a insincere apology " I'm sorry darling you know I have a quick temper" he stands up smoothly putting his hands on Jinx shoulders stopped her pacing giving them a almost painful squeeze. Jinx flinch slightly trying to pull away he leans down giving her a hard breathtaking kiss making her dizzy just before pulling away as if nothing happened " What are we waiting for darling let's drag that bitch back to hell".

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