Pt. 17

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And now here they where in the middle of the night walking through the woods with the full moon glowing high in the sky. Alex lead the way a ball of glowing energy in one hand lighting the path and the other linked with Lily's " So this is where the witches live huh? why would they wanna live all the way out here?". Lily asks looking around at the creepy ominous trees as they walk past " Out here they have a village where they can fully be themselves use they're magic freely without having to worry and not just witches and warlocks live there many magical creatures do" Alex informs Lily as they walk up to a huge tree he looks at the big tree. Lily nods her head but raised a brow how was it possible for them to live out here peacefully without ever being noticed. Letting go of Lily hand a second he holds it up placing it on the bark a small intricate carving glows brightly on the tree bark before it splits apart into a doorway " They put a magical enchantment on this tree only magical creatures can enter, there are tree's all through the woods you just need to be able to find one" he says Lily looks past him into the tree. Inside she see's a wooden stairway leading down walking inside the bark behind them closes back as she walks down the walls were illuminated by the glow of floating lanterns she reached out her hand lightly pushing them out the way. As they finally make there way down the winding staircase they get to a big red door swirls and spirals carved into it with a gold handle in the middle she could faintly here noise behind it. She reaches out her hand grabbing the handle " Knock three times" Alex says letting Lily take the lead she knocks the heavy handle three times before letting it go. Taking a step back the door slowly slides open her jew drops open Alex laughs leading inside " Welcome Lily to Nearon village" Alex says but Lily couldn't take her eyes off the hustling little village little wooden building lined inside. Even though the area was enclosed it seemed that there was some type of spell making it appear as though they were outside. Look up she could see twinkling stars and different constellations the sky inside this tree was a exact replica of the real sky outside. Lily could swear she can also feel the gentle breeze of night the air.Witches,ogre's,elf's and many other creatures walked around on the green grassy paths talking laughing and enjoy there life's without a care in the world she watches as a beautiful fairy with long light blue hair walking across the street twinkling  blue wings on her back and at the entrance of the doorway sat a ogre strumming a little wooden guitar as he sat on his chair leaning back against the wall. He noticed her looking and smiled up at her " Yah welcome" she smiles nodding at him Alex takes her hand leading her down one of the patches she see the fairy again standing Infront of a garden a mist of water coming out her palms they make there way over to her. Alex waves his hand with a smile on his face " Hello again River" he says greeting his old friend she turns seeing him smiling she lefts her hand up unintentionally spraying him with water. Putting her hand over her mouth " Hello again Alexander I'm sorry about that" he brushes the water off his shirt Lily softly laughing behind her hand as she stood beside him " it's ok River but hey listen I need your help". River doesn't really listen to him as she looks over at Lily " Oh my you brought a human with you. It's so nice to meet you I'm River I'm a water fairy and a old friend of this guy what's your name your so pretty I lo..." River goes on smiling ear to ear so excited to meet Lily being a fairy she's never met a human before with the way she looks she stands out amongst humans so she spends most of her time here in Nearon village. Alexander sighs running his fingers through his hair as he watches them River has always been...kinda air headed but she was always a nice women her heart was aways in the right place he would always tell her that her name was just like her mind it flowed never stopping always moving. He gently tapped her on the shoulder " Umm River?" she glances over at him crossing her arms " Alexander it's very rude to interrupt conversations" she says Lily couldn't help but laughs at his facial reaction. She could tell her and River would get along well she had such a carefree sprit " River who is the most powerful witch in this town I need alittle help for my friend Lily" River scratches her light blue hair tilting her head to the side " Lily....who's Lily?" Lily puts her hand to her chest trying to hide the smile on her lips " I'm Lily". River makes a O shape with her lips while nodding " Oooh ok well the strongest witch in this village isn't even a witch he's a warlock" Alex slightly grabs her shoulder shaking her slightly " Were is he River?". As he shakes her around her blue hair flies all over the place when he finally stops she blows it out of her eyes " I'll lead the way follow me...follow the River" she says letting out a little laugh as she fly's her way down the path. Alex sigh rubbing his hands down his face as before grabbing one of Lily's hands struggling to keep up with Rivers fast pace.

(Mia note: I have been so into working on this story lately)

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