Pt. 15

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Lily watches as Alex lets out a sigh rubbing his hands down his face " I don't even know where to start I've never had to explain everything before". Lily licks her lips looking in her lap " Well Alex I'm going to need you to find a way. I was almost taken to....God knows where yesterday. Don't you think I deserve to know what's going on right now?" she lefts her head looking into his eyes as he nods his head " Of course you do it's just...hard" he says his voice softly trailing off. He's never had to explain everything to a human before the last thing he wanted was to freak her out but it seemed he couldn't leave her in the dark any longer " Ok here goes I'm your assigned guardian angel". He starts as he nervously picks that his bottom lip " Assigned?... assigned by who?" Alex smiles shrugging his shoulders " God duh who else would have that power...I mean the high council of angels told me to but the order was from God" Lily scrunches up her face continuing to pet Momo. Lily wouldn't say she was a very religious person she went to church when she was younger with her mom she didn't even remember any of the stories in the bible. But at one point they just stopped going all together she remembers her mom one day saying there was no point in going anymore that it wouldn't change anything. she never really understood what her mom meant by that but she didn't complain her hated waking up early to go. She turns her head fast looking at him " Then why did I have so much bad luck growing up you were supposed to be protecting me!" she suddenly realized that if he was her guardian angel where the hell has he been all these years. All those times when she needed him he was never there did he have any idea how many near death situation she has been in? The first time she learned how to ride a tricycle and was attacked by wild dog, that time she was taking a stroll in the park and was almost hit by a stray arrow from someone practicing archery, or just the time that she choked on a noodle at Noodles & Company and Emily had to give her the heimlich in the middle of the restaurant to save her life. He could have literally saved her from all those things and a lot more...did he just not want to? He frowns looking at her " Lily I just recently became your guardian angel the day you woke up was my first day. Are you telling me you haven't had a guardian angel your whole life till that point? I mean when high council gave me the job I did ask what happened to your previous guardian angel because everyone gets one at birth but they told me to not dwell on the fact God told them to tell me just to protect you the best I can." Lily making a confused expression. What could she have possibly done to piss off God this much? Sure she wasn't the perfect human but she sure as hell wasn't the worst she believed to treat everybody as they treat her with a kind and open heart " I thought I've just been unlucky my whole but it turns out God just hates me....perfect..just perfect". Lily says as she rolls her eyes voice dripping with sarcasm Alex puts a and on her shoulder " We don't know all the details Lily maybe you did have a angel they where just shit at their job" he says letting out a little laugh. Most guardian angels took their jobs pretty seriously but it's always possible for someone to slack off on their job even if you're immortal he didn't want to think the worst...that God purposefully didn't give Lily a guardian angel. After all why would he do that there was no reason for him to for now he would have to accept the fact that she went all those years without an angel and somehow survived. Most humans would not understand how much effort it takes for a angel to keep them alive on the daily but Lily fully understood she's been doing it all her life until he came along. He couldn't just confront God like he did with the high council you can't just meet with God whenever you want he's a busy all powerful man. Lily plays with Momo ear bitting her lip of course there had to be some reason for her not growing up without a angel...but she would probably never know the reasoning " So where did you go for the last year? Why weren't you there as soon as the monster tried to attack me?" she asks softly it was a simple question but to answer made Alex anxious. He stands up pacing in front of her " Well um he was actually a demon from hell I'm guessing that's where he was trying to take you back with him" Lily's eyes widen and she stops paying Momo. That..that demon was trying to take her back to hell with him but why...why he do that it's not like she was some extraordinary person why would he want her " And I actually don't be mad ok I was just trying to protect you the best way I could and I'm just so attracted to you and thats not a good thing Lily so....I was trying to find you a new guardian angel". He says softly as he stops pacing facing her she sits frozen on the couch looking up at him " Why can't you be around me Alexander I don't get it is it.. me?" she pouts her eyes start to fill with water the rejection with literally crushing her inside. He shakes his head quickly before sitting back beside her taking Momo and sitting him on the ground before taking her hands looking into her watery brown eyes " No Lily your perfect" he paused his sentence wiping her eyes with his thumbs. She bits her lip looking down at there hands as he smiles at her " I was told being around a human will turn me human or...maybe even worse. the high council it doesn't have much information on these types of situations I'm basically in the dark Lily. I didn't know what else to do I was trying to find you a new guardian one that I thought would be suitable enough to protect you but none of the ones that I met with just seemed good enough. I would come and check up on you now and then just to make sure you were ok in between time. I was actually in a interview with another angel for you when I could feel your intense fear I teleported to you right away I'm so sorry Lily I won't do something so dumb again." he says closing his eyes tightly she lays her hand softly over his cheek. Now that he told her the full story of why he just up and left she of course she was still upset but understood why he did what he did he was obviously just scared of turning human or whatever else could happen to him there was so much on uncertainty. At least he showed up when she really needed him when she was really in danger " I forgive you Alex I think I can understand just don't do that shit again and stay my angel ok?" he nods his head smiling pushing some of her black bangs out of her eyes " But what are we going to do now? Where do we go from here?". He shrugs grinning as he wraps a arm around her shoulder " Well I'll stay your angel but other than that....I have no clue".

(Mia note: This has to be one of my longest Chap's over 1000 words I'm really enjoying how this story is coming along so far)

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