Pt. 5

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You could say Lily was some what of a loner being the only child she enjoyed her own company and alone time. She would even get drained being around people to long it was a hassle to try to please strangers a hassle that she rather just avoid.Today was she first day of work at the planetarium but before her shift started she decided to go to the park to read alittle. At the moment she was walking to the park book in hand it was called "It Started With Hello" at the moment it was her favorite story she had to admit she was a hopeless romantic and enjoyed reading love stories she walked up to a big shady ock tree sitting on the warm grass underneath. She tried to focus on the book but her mind kept drifting to mysterious man in the white suit she met weeks ago "God Lily let it go" she thought to herself he made it very clear by the way he rushed off that he wanted nothing to do with her. For some reason it hurt her feelings that he didn't want to be around her usually she wouldn't care but with him she felt really rejected "Why would a guy that looks like him even be looking at a woman like me god I'm so dumb and I walked up to him I probably looking so stupid" she said aloud to herself groaning loudly out of frustration. Closing the book it was pointless to try to read a single chapter with her mind so wrapped up in him leaning back against the tree she looks around the park watching kids play, people doing yoga and a older couple feeding the birds. Far away by the pond she saw familiar white suit sitting on the bench facing away from her It looked like the same man she met before but she couldn't be sure after all her was far away. Maybe her mind was just playing tricks on her was it really possible for her to run into the same man again this was a huge city after all. Crossing her arms she contemplated going over there is was possible that it wasn't the same man if it was the same man was she really ready to embarrass herself a second time after a few minutes she stands up holding her book closely to her chest and walk her way over. The closer she got she realized it was the man she met in the cafe Alexander...well that's the name that was on the cup he left behind Alex could feel her presence getting closer and closer he stayed frozen in place hoping she would just walk past. Lily came right up sitting beside him putting the book in the spot between them she turned facing him he turned his face away closing his eyes in frustration and anxiety "Yah know if you don't want to be noticed I suggest not wearing a white suit in the middle of summer to the park" Lily jokes shrugging "Just a suggestion..." She says leaning in looking at his face "What makes you think I don't want to be seen" He say back glancing over at her. Lily laughs softly "Dude I saw your whole body stiffen when I sat down listen if you don't want me to notice you try wear casual clothes" Alexander smiles and turns to face her "Noted I'll keep that in mind even though I don't plan running into you again" Alex says giving up on avoiding her today since she was the one that came right up to him its not like he could just get up and run away from her"Your names Alexander right um I'm not stalking you or anything I swear I just saw the name on the cup you left the other day and remembered so I thought..I....I would ask you since your right here and we are actually talking." Lily rambles on she cheeks slight pink. Alex found it amusing and pretty adorable had to admit "Stop..stop talking yes my names Alexander you can call me Alex I guess even though we probably won't be meeting again" he smiles hand holding out his hand to her which she quickly shakes a shock of electricity is sent through her whole body quickly pulling her hand away she bits her lip not looking in his eyes "Did he feel that to" she wondered to herself. Stuttering over her words she whispers "I'm Lily" he smiles finding her adorable but he had to keep reminding himself that he wasn't even supposed to be near her right now "Um I have to get going now to get to my new job at the planetarium to get to soon sooo" she stands up waving awkwardly before turning around walking away. "Hey Lily!" She stops walking when she hears him calling her name she turns looking back at him "I guess I won't be seeing you around" He smiles winking at her she just gives him a soft smile and turns back round continuing to walk away once she's gone he noticed she left her book behind. He picks it up grinning "Well it would be rude if I don't return this guess I will be seeing her around again after all".

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