Pt. 12

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1 year later Lily 25 birthday ...

" All my single lady's, All my single lady's, All my single lady's now put your hands up!" Cherry lips sings the lyrics perfectly as he struts across the stage wearing 10 inch red heels putting his hands in the air. Emily and Lily cheer him on from the front row they decided to come to his performance tonight it was the perfect pass time they enjoyed coming out sometimes and watching him do his thing. Today was Lily's birthday and they spent the whole day together first they went and got their nails done they went out to eat at the fanciest place in town which Emily insisted on paying the whole bill. Now tonight was the cherry on top watching Cherry's drag show. The crowd was very large tonight Emily throws $20 on stage "Our boy only gets the big bills" she say as she throws another onto the stage Lily softly laughs at her Emily made great money being a teacher they all liked to think that she was the richest one in there group. A blonde man in the crowd stands up yelling "You better work!" Lily looks over at him as she fans herself with her fan it has the word SHADE written on it in hot pink glittery letters. Seeing him she was reminded of Alexander even though they didn't look anything alike other than both their hair was blonde she hasn't really been keeping track of how long it's been since she's last seen him. It seems this time he was really serious about not seeing her again but it's not like she could make him stay she wondered why she was so hooked on him she barely even knew anything about him other then his name. Him not being around shouldn't affect her as much as it is at first she was pretty upset over the whole thing but over time she moved on and got over it. Why would he even bother asking her on a date in the first place if he was just going to ditch her afterwards. Looking away from the man she looks back up at the stage noticing that Cherry finished his dance and is walking around the stage picking up the money when he gets to were they are sitting he blows them a kiss smiling. Emily pretends to grab the kiss and put it in her pocketbook which made Cherry laugh before he heads back stage he was the last performance of the night when he went back stage the audience starts to disperse people starting to leave the building. Lily and Emily stand up walking up onto stage walking behind the curtain the other drag queens knew and we're used to seeing around Lily and Emily they also knew that they were Cherry's friends so they didn't mind them coming back stage. They walk up behind Cherry who was sitting on a chair in front of a vanity working on taking off his makeup his wig was already off red hair was still underneath the wig cap. Lily hugs him from behind "Good job out there bae" she say pulled the wig cap off his head the red hair falling over his eyes he pushes it back smiling. Emily nods her head as Lily pulls away from Cherry "I was thinking since it's Lil birthday we could go out for drinks after you finish changing" Emily suggests Lily shakes her head side to side she had a busy day at work tomorrow there was no way she could tag along " Girl I can't go with you guys tonight sadly it may be my birthday today but I have work tomorrow" Cherry pouts as he rubs a makeup wipe over his eye leaving a smudgy mess behind "That's cool girl I was going to wait here till Cherry got done and we're going to take my car together to the bar but if you want I can walk you down to your car real quick so you don't have to walk alone". Lily shakes her head putting a hand on Emily's arm to reassure her "Nah girl I'll be fine I literally parked right around the corner" Cherry turns on his chair looking up at Lily "Are you sure your ok with walking by yourself it's dark out there Lil" his face looked like a hot mess with all that glitter and makeup all over the place but Lily would never tell him that. Lily grins wrapping her arms around her two best friends "Yes I'll be fine guys have fun tonight" she says as she pulls away they give her a quick goodbye and she heads back behind curtains and out of the building. It was night outside the only light was the passing cars and the tall street lights Lily holds her pocketbook close to her body with one hand and her other hand was in her pocket holding onto her pepper spray. Her mom always told her never leave home without pepper spray so she always made sure to carry it around when she was out with friends. As she makes her way down the sidewalk towards her car she hums a soft tune to herself suddenly she hears a softly pair of footsteps behind her fear fills her body as she picks up her pace. Unfortunately for her the footsteps behind her also picked up their pace at this point she was fully running down the sidewalk panting looking behind her she doesn't see anything behind her slowly she stops running letting out a breath. After seeing that she wasn't being followed anymore she turned back around to continue the walk to her car. But she walks straight into a tall muscular body deep blood red skin...eyes darker then the night sky it hair long black oily hair but wasn't wearing a shirt just brown pants her eyes widen looking upon the creature. She pulls out the pepper spray her hands shaking the red monster hits it out of her hand easily laughing before leaning closer to her face "Were you trying to run from me earlier Lily?" she looked at it in shock how did it know her name? It say with a deep raspy voice that sent chills down her body the monster smiles at her with razor sharp teeth all Lily could think was...what the hell was this thing?

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