Pt. 50

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And so Bill trained Lily how to control her anger " Stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself" Max laughs at he sits on a rock controlling Lily to make her repeatedly slap herself hard in the face. Each slap made Alexander cringe in the spot beside him he arrived a few days ago back with the good news that he literally met God himself and was now able to be around Lily without any side effects. They could have somewhat of a normal relationship after all this was over which Lily was over the moon to find out. All he wanted was to spend a quiet and relaxing time with her but she had to train to defeat her father it was the only way to get everything back to normal. He glared into the side of Max head before punching him hard in the arm " Do you really have to make her hit herself so hard" Max rubs his arm pouting while Jinx laughs at his face " Yes he does the first thing Lily needs to learn is so control that anger which is known to come with being a hybrid. Her father would use that as a weakness against her in a fight". Bill says crossing his arms over his chest watching as Lily stands a distance away rubbing her cheek " Continue" Bill says and Max continues to make her hit herself Alexander understood it was a necessary evil but why did he have to make her hit herself so hard. Lily hit herself hard in the face making falling to the soft green grass she digs her nails into the earth anger tears rolling down her cheeks as her let's out a frustrated sigh. The grass in her hands quickly burn to ashes as she stands up dusting herself off " You got this Lily just breath through it" River yells to her as she sits on the grass beside Jinx River softly knocks her shoulder against Jinx wanted her to also offer Lily words of encouragement. Jinx rolls her eyes looking over at Lily giving her a awkward smile along with a thumbs up making Lily laugh lightly " And Slap!" Max yells before making her slap herself again Lily groans thinking this is going to be a long day.

He trained her how to fight and defend herself " When I punch here you could easily land a shot right here on my side" Bill says as he hold throws a fake punch toward her head. Jinx leans against a tree watching them " But that also leaves her vulnerable for attacks from behind her back" she yells over to Bill he turns looking at her with a eyebrow raised " If you think he's gonna fight her without his help or using dirty tactics then think again" she says full of sass. Jinx pick at her nails a cocky smile on her lips " Well why don't you come over here and help out" Bill says Jinx pushes herself out the tree walking over when she gets in front of Lily she suddenly throws the punch attack at Lily without any hesitation. Lily eyes widen " Whoa! Whoa!?" Lily quickly uses the counter attack Bill just taught her Jinx easily finds a spot in her defense and sweeps her leg underneath Lily's making her fall to the ground " What the heck Jinx why did you do that?!" Alex asks rushing over to help Lily stand up. Jinx stand her arms crossed turning her face away " I was just showing her the weak point of her defensive stance" Lily stands with the help of Alex looking at Jinx confused she turns her head looking at Lily with a soft smile " I don't want you to get slaughtered out there I've kinda gotten used to having you around..". Jinx says reluctantly as she punches Lily lightly in the shoulder Lily grins looking at Jinx in shock that she would actually say that aloud she wraps her arms around Jinx in a light hug at first Jinx freezes her arms hang at her sides loosely she wraps them around Lily in a soft hug. Even though this was a awful situation for them to all be in this was the closest Jinx ever had to having a family they all joked with each other teased each other but at the end of the day it seems like they all had each other's backs " Omg the beast has a soft side" they hear Max say on the side line River laughs a beside him softly splashing water onto his face " Hush Maximus". Jinx pulls away from the hug rolling her eyes at Max " Just let me teach you how to fight that old fart doesn't know anything about fighting anymore he's to old at least let me help" she whispers making Lily laugh as she looks over at Bill " It looks like I have another fighting teacher".

And most importantly he taught her how to use her fire " Fire comes from within feel the power flow through you." Bill let's the fire fly from his hands into the air above them in different patterns before dispersing Into thin air. Lily waves her arms around herself watching as the fire dances around she already knew the basic moves from her father Bill helped refine her movements and skills he taught her how to shoot stronger hotter fire. How to shoot and kill without hesitation " Ok let's test everything you learned" Bill says just ring for Jinx and River to circle around her " Do I really have to do this" River says softly she didn't want to hurt her friend " Yes River if you want her to survive against Alistair fight her as if you want to kill her don't hold anything back either of you" Jinx nods pressing her lips reluctantly River decides to continue on. They circle around Lily she steadies her stance her hands raised at she watches there movements " You got this Lily!" Max yells toward her but it doesn't break her construction. Jinx runs towards her claws raised " Ahhh!" Lily jumps out the way dodging her River flying into the air bring down a hard gust of water at her Lily shots up her fire in the air to cover a wide spray it turns the water into a thick mist getting all of them wet. With Lily view obstructed Bill shots blazing fire balls at her from behind she drops to the ground just barely dodging them she rolls over onto her back jumping up as Bill runs towards her punching is fists. She fights back with him toe to toe easily able to keep up with his fast movements turning her head she sees River running up with too sharp ice spikes in her hands. Lily quickly circles around Bill causing River to stab the spikes straight into his back the fall to the ground. Jinx runs at Lily she grabs her using her own force to throw her to the ground with the other " And stay down" Lily whispers with a smile as they all lay in the pail looking up at her. Jinx's stands giving her and hand shake " Good job Lil" River side hugs her smiling as Bill stand with a approving smile on his face. Max and Alexander run over to them congratulating her on the job well done Alexander hugs her close kissing her softly on the lips " That's my girl" she smiles just as a portal opens up beside them the all take a few steps back. Lily raise her guard watching the portal closely " Be ready to attack" Bill whispers suddenly a huge familiar looking orange cat jumps through the portal carrying something big in his mouth. Lily squints her eyes looking closely at the animal " Momo?" the cat looks at her letting go of what he's holding it stands wobbly on it's legs they all walk closer " Val...lentine?". Jinx whispers covering her mouth he looks weakly at them a smile on his bloody lips " Hello beautiful how's it going" he says softly just before passing out to the ground.

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