Pt. 10

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"So what do you think" Alex says with a smile on his face a parked in the wide open field. At the moment they where in the middle of a meadow beautiful flowers lining the ground as fair as Lily could see "Sure it's beautiful but what are we going to be doing here in the middle of the night are we takin a stroll?" she asks as he climbs out the car rounding it and opening her door. He take her hand leading her over a hill " Umm I was thinking more so sightseeing the stars look beautiful tonight it would be a crime to pass up looking at them and whats a better place to watch them then..." he say slowly side stepping to stand behind her he lefts his hand up pointing up to a huge hot air balloon she gasps slightly surprised she didn't see that sooner "There" he whispers softly in her ear. She shivers slightly feeling his warm breath on her neck he grins at her adorable reaction honestly she wasn't excited about getting into the balloon she was afraid of heights but she wasn't going to tell him that he takes her hand leading her over to the balloon. As they stand at the door way he notices her shaking with fear "Hey" he says softly she turns her head looking up into her eyes moving some of the black hair off her face "I've got you I'd never let you down" he whispers as her looking into his deep blue eyes she feels her whole body relax the tension and fear she was having in her body disappears. She feels a suddenly sense of calm and peace nodding her head she steps over the threshold still hold his hand he smiles with pride the balloon wobbles as they both step inside she didn't even notice her nails were digging into his skin he decided not to comment on it after all he didn't really feel physical pain anymore. Closing the door behind them he holds onto a rope it was the rope that held the weights that were attached to the basket they were standing in it was the thing that was keeping them from flying up glencing over at her he's smiles "Ready?" he asks tilting his head cutely to the side. Biting her lip grinning Lily nods he unties the rope and the weights fall to the ground they slowly begin to float up she looks over the edge of the basket hesitantly watching as the ground gets further and further away. He wraps his arms around from behind sitting his head onto of her head "Look up beautiful your missing the view" she does as he says looking out as they fly higher into the sky she sees the top of trees tops and buildings she can even see her own house from here "Wow this is Incredible". She whispers in complete amazement "Did you know there is supposed to be a meteor shower tonight" he says she raises her eyebrow looking back at him confused "Um no there's not trust me on this one I have an astronomy degree" she say cockly touching a hand to her heart. He laughs at her expression "Trust me on this one" he taking her hand and linking there fingers together as he looks up at sky he eyes glow a bright blue for a split second a agonizing pain shots through his head he groans slightly letting go of one of her hands moving it to hold the side of his head squinting his eyes together this was the first him in a long time that he experienced actual pain It made him think it must be a side effect from being around her so long. He knew he was going into unknown territory being with her right now honestly the council didn't have that much information on side effects of being around her other then power loss. she turns looking up at him concerned "Are you ok?" she asks holding one of his cheeks he slowly opens his eyes looking into hers for a split moment she thinks she sees his blue eyes flash brightly squint her eyes she looks into them surely it was her imagination "Um..I'm fine hey look up there I guess you were wrong miss astronomer". He let's out a soft laugh pointing up to the sky behind her she turns around quickly looking up at the sky " Oh my god di..did you know that there was going to be a meteor shower" he moves standing beside her looking up at the sky "I'm full of mysteries beautiful" he grin looking over at her. She looks over at him grabbing his hand and linking there fingers together "You really are really are" he looks at her out the side of his eye smiling he didn't know what other side effects could come with being around her he didn't know if they would be permanent or short term side effects but at this moment while he was looking at her with the beautiful meteor shower falling around behind her wind blowing her black hair around and her brown eyes reflecting the stars he was willing to take any risks as long as he would be able to see her again.

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