Pt. 23

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" I mean I'm not fully human but it's also obvious to me that you do get some type of systems from being around me at least you did last time. When we we're in the balloon together don't think I didn't notice that something was off about you" she says pointing a finger at him. He didn't want to worry her that day, didn't want her to see his pain but it was definitely there " I don't know Lily I've never been in this type of relationship before" as he speaks he takes off his hat running him fingers through the blonde locks. Lily's heart dropped she felt upset and hurt she thought they shared the same feeling for each other but apparently she was wrong. She hops off the hood marching to the driver side door swing it open Alex puts back on his hat following her " What are you doing? Where are you going?" she ignores him climbing into the car trying to slam the door shut but he has his hand on to keeping it from closing " I'm going away from you...and you can go a head and stop being my angel now I was living fine before you and I'm damn sure I'll be fine after you so let go of the fuckin door!" she yells pulling harder on the door. He wasn't even struggling so keep it open he was much stronger then her " Lily don't you think you'll blowing this up?" she looks at him in disbelief was he joking right now he was the one that acted her on a date he was the one that was always holding her in his arms but now that she want to take the next logical step, he doesn't want to? And she was blowing it out of proportion?! It was all just so frustrating to her " Fine have it your way" she climbs out pushing past him making her way down the hill " Lily!..Lily stop where are you going?" He questioned her closing her car door and following her down the hill. With her back still facing him she yells " I'm walking home what does it look like?!" she says with a sarcastic tone he stops walking from a second just watching as she makes her way down the hill black hair switching from side to side in the light wind. She was almost at the road at the end of the hill " Ok Lily you know what I do like you!" he yells and she stops walking in her tracks turning seeing him up still up a little ways on the hill. He lets out a breath " I don't know what the new consequences will be for being around you but honestly I'm welling to face them as long as I get to see you everyday" she smiles kicking a small stone by her feet. It was true he honestly had no idea what this meant for them but what he did know was that he can't stay away from her and he wanted to be with her " Be my girlfriend Lily I promise to always try my best to look after and protect you" she smiles running back up the hill into his arms. He laughed twirling her around she laughs softly as he finally lets her back on her feet " Of course I well Alex and thank god you stopped me before I got to the road I had no idea where I was going" Alexander let's out a soft laugh still holding her closely to his chest. So they are a couple now but there was still so many unanswered questions Lily guess they would have to take it one step at a time. Lily pulls away reaching her hand up she pulls his hat off " Soo now that you're my boyfriend can you do something for me?" she places the white hat on her head backwards. Grinning he brings one of her hands to his lips giving it a soft kiss " And that would be?" she puts her hands on the sides of his cheek pulling his face alittle closer " Come meet my friends".

(Mia note:🎶 if you wanna be my lover you gotta get with my friends🎶

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