Pt. 32

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As Alex and Max step though the portal they are met with the thick smoke that filled the air,the busy traffic, and bustling city of hell. They where in the middle of a busy side walk different demon's and monsters pushed past them heavily in it a hurry as they continued on their way the tall buildings that lined the streets where old and dilapidated some of the windows glass was shattered or missing there was also a few humans walking around smoking cigarettes yelling curse words at each other. But unlike the humans on earth these humans looks sick or just unwell there skin was all sunken in they all seemed skin and bones very skinny clothes barely hanging on to their bodies eyes held sadness, tiredness just...emptiness. It sent chills down Alex spine he's never been to hell but based on first impressions he wouldn't see himself visiting again anytime soon " Hey baby looking for a good time?" he hears a scratchy feminine voice turning his head he sees a human white almost translucent skin covers her boney body a shorts tight red dress clung to her body brown hair was a mess falling around her face and makeup was smudged. He quickly shakes his head no taking a small step back he didn't want to seem rude but she smelled of liquor and cigarettes " Oh come on big boy don't you want to be bad with me?" she's about the touch his arm when Max slaps her hand away " He said NO lady now get to stepping in the other direction! Thank you!" Max yells at she pointing down the sidewalk she huffs at him before marching off. Max grabs Alex arm pulling him along " Come on Ken" he whispers pulling them into a familiar building taking a seat at one of the tables... " Of course they have a fucking McDonald's here" Max whispers looking around the gloomy dimly lit room humans and demons alike sitting around munching on their grease covered food " Hey thanks for the save back there Maximus I was kind of too stunned to move" Alex whisper slightly embarrassed that Max saw him in that state. Max turns his head looking back at Alex with a little grin on his lips " Listen I may not be the biggest fan of you but I don't want you to get herpes okay"  Alex can't help but laugh at Max comment of course he would play it off like it wasn't a big deal " So what's the plan from here?" Max whispers to not draw unwanted attention to themselves " Well I don't think either of us know where to find Alistair soooo we have to find that purple demon woman that took her" Alex says vaguely remembering the purple demon that opened the portal to take Lily away. Max nods his head running his finger through the white hair not looking forward to hunting the demon down it was like finding a needle in a haystack " Ok so do you know where to find her?" Max asks even though he's pretty sure he already knows the answer " No" sighing that's not what Max wanted to hear but it did confirm his suspicions that Alex didn't know where the hell to start " Do you even know her name?" Hesitantly Alex shakes his head side to side making Max throw his hands up slouching back in his seat " God you fucking hopeless dude" Max figures he would have to be the one to step up and think of a plan. Max stands up looking around the restaurant Alex watches him curiously what was this guy about to do now he thought " Ok ok it's cool I know what we have to do I've seen it on tv" Max says before he stands about start walking towards the biggest demon in the restaurant Alex quickly grabs his little arm " What are you doing Maximus?" did the warlock have a death sentence or something? Max pulls his arm away gesturing for Alex to lean closer which he did " We need to shake down the biggest person in this place to get info and that ugly guy over there is our best option" Max whispers Alex pulls back crossing his arms looking at Max 4 foot frame laughing to himself softly Max raised a eyebrow " What the hell are you laughing at? I may look like a kid but I'm not dude". Max crosses his arms pouting getting the feeling Alex was underestimating just how powerful he was he has been training his magic for years " I know that Max and you know that but...if you try walking up to that guy thinking you can intimidate him you'll get your short ass kicked in 2.5 seconds just follow my lead" Alex makes his way over to the big green demon who was biting into a burger bits and pieces flying off and dripping onto these tray in front of him. Alex wasn't about to lie and say he wasn't intimidated he definitely was but what other choice did he have he had to get his girl back they take a seat Infront of the demon he stops chewing his burger bearing his yellow teeth at them " What the fuck do you want?" Max looks out the corner of his eyes ready to see what Alex would do. Alex swallowed hard picking his next words carefully " You know about a purple female demon bounty hunter around here?" The demon let out a deep laugh some on looking customers look on whispering amongst themselves " Maybe I do maybe I don't why the hell would I give you any information?" Alex slams his hand on the table standing up this doesn't affect the demon at all " You'll tell me what I want to know!" The demon pushes back from the table making Max stand up " Or what pretty boy?". Alex was at a loss he never physically hurt anyone before he was against his code as an angel he thought his intimidation tactics would work but it seems to not be " Or fucking this...Bindtanium"  Max says hold his hand up to the demon clinching his hand into a fist. Suddenly the demon falls to the ground gripping his throat trying to pull away the chocking pressure on it but it was no use " Enough with the games tell us where we can find the demon now" Alex looks at Max as he loosens his hands grip leaving the demon coughing and gasping for air on the ground. He gets up fully throwing the table between them to the side about to charge at them. Max before the demon could get close Max put the tight grip back on the demons neck it was so tight tears stream down the demon face making him fall to his knees " I said fucking NOW" Alex shakes Max shoulder lightly " That's enough Max" he whispers Max shakes his head no he wasn't about to let up his hold that easy " East...hollow street of 463 she likes to hang..out at Nightingale's" the demon chokes out the word and Max completely removed his grip " We were never here you understand?". Max says the demon nods his head not looking tough or fearsome now Max steps over the demon body walk out the door Alex quickly follows one thing was for sure Alex will never doubt Maximus abilities again.

(Mia note: Maximus may look 8 but there's a reason why he's known for being most powerful warlock

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