Pt. 19

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Lily is at her shift at work on her lunch break with Emily who complained about not seeing her for a few weeks. In Lily's defense a lot has happened in the past few weeks in her life such as finding out a whole other magical world that was right in front of everyone eyes but no one knew of  but her. At least she didn't have to worry as much about being taken the necklace around her neck gave her some security at least enough for her to be able to sleep at night. But it's not like she could just tell Emily about her magical excursion she would probably freak out no...this was definitely something she felt she couldn't tell her friends about so she had to lie and said that her mom was sick and she was taking time looking over her. Lily pops a Lay's potato chip into her mouth " Girl when did you get that I thought you were scared of needles" Emily point her green finger nail at the vibrant red mark on the side of her neck. Lily reaches up one hand running her fingers over it as she takes a sip of her Pepsi the crescent shaped mark hasn't faded since the night of her birthday it was a complete mystery to Lily how it ended up on her skin. But she couldn't tell Emily it just magically showed up " Um I got it after I left you guys on my as I was driving home I saw that a little tattoo shop was opened and...yah I got it do you like it?" now Lily would never say she was a good lier but she did take four years of theater in high school. So she was pretty good at telling a lie and people believing her " Wow Li that's so spontaneous for you the red color really shows up brightly on your skin I like it" Emily says before taking a bite of her ham sandwich. Lily let's out a sigh she hated lying to her friend like this but what other option does she really have Lily did at least let her know she was kinda seeing someone if you can count what her and Alex have as dating " Is it the same guy you went on a date with last year? Girl I thought he ghosted you have y'all been dating this whole time...that's crazy". They both share a laugh it was crazy because on normal circumstance Lily would definitely told them if she was dating someone " So when do we get to finally see this mystery man?" Oh know Lily didn't think this far ahead. Of course they would want to meet him they're her best friends but would Alex even be allowed to meet them, would he get in more trouble for seeing them god she wished she would have kept her mouth shut. As she was having her internal breakdown Emily was watching her with her eyebrow raised " Um Li? We don't have to meet him yet if your not ready" Lily let's out a breath shaking her head " I'm sure he would love to meet you guys one day". Emily nods her head as her phone on the table beeps she picks it up looking over the screen smiling " Husbands just let me know he's getting home early from the fire department you know what that means?" she wink at Lily who laughs Thomas was a good man for Emily he was a firefighter and they where like the perfect couple. Emily stands up throwing her trash in the trash can " While the kids are away the adults will play bye Lil I'll text you later" Lily really didn't blame Emily for wanting to go now it's not everyday that you can drop your 4 year old daughter off at their in-laws for the weekend so you can have some freaky deaky on the living room couch with your husband. Waving her off Emily blows Lily a kiss before she climbs into her Jeep standing up Lily thrilled her trash away before walking around the corner back to the planetarium.


"Go now Jinx and bring her back to me unharmed" the old demon says as they stand  in front of a glowing portal in his office through the portal you could clearly see it was to a balcony of a house with sliding glass doors on the other side of the doors someone was sleeping on the bed with a orange cat laying on top of the. The purple demon turns her head looking up at him his height easily towered over hers " I'll try my best sir  " he glares down at her making her want to disappear into the floor itself " Don't try...DO IT or DON'T come back at all you'll only be welcomed by your own death" he said intensely grinding his razor sharp teeth together. She swallows hard nodding her head she knows she shouldn't have took this job in the first place but the rubies were just too great she could live off it for years if she succeeds she wouldn't have to struggle to pay for food or know where to live she would have enough rubies to do everything she wanted. She steps through the portal it closes behind her she uses her sharp nails to unlock the door slowly sliding it over. Making her way over to the sleeping body she looks over the humans features black hair spread out all over her brown skin she was lightly snoring Jinx didn't understand why her boss would want this human so much but then again it wasn't really her job to know. Just if she was about to grab the girls arm the cat that was laying on top of her pops up hissing loudly at her  squatting her hand aside with it's claws Jinx bears her teeth at the stupid animal. The cat flicks it's tail over the humans face she stars and she finally wakes up yelling as she sees the purple demon stand over her Jinx quickly tries to grab her. As soon as her hand touches the human skin it burns intensely she quickly pulls it away as Lily jumps off her bed running into her living room. Jinx groans holding onto you hand looking at it the purple skin of her palm was starting to blister " Fuck!" she yells forgetting the pain she chases after Lily into the living room Lily was at her front door about to open it when it was slammed back closed by Jinx. Jinx grabs Lily with her other hand holding on tightly she screams throwing Lily to the ground as her palm burns and blisters as she's distracted Momo grows nine feet into the air swatting Jinx to the side hard with his big paw sending her flying against the wall. Lily sits on the floor in shock watching as the purple demon slams into the wall standing back up dusting it of like it was nothing " Are you ok beautiful I got you" she hears Alex beside her helping her to her feet he wipes some of her blood of her cheek. Jinx smiles deadly at them before pointing a finger at Lily " I'll be back for you just you wait" before she disappears into thin air ending up in the forest by a stream. Wiping off some of the black blood from under her nose with the back of her hand " It looks like I'm going to need alittle more help then I thought it's time to pay a visit to Valentine" she says before standing making her way deeper into the dark forest.

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