Pt. 7

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" This one's too short,this one's too long and this one here is just too trashy and this one makes me look like a nun Cherry what am I going to do I don't even know where he's taking me" Lily says hopelessly to him over a three-way video call on her phone between her two best friends Cherry and Emily. They were the best friends Lily could ever ask for Cherry was always her hypeman always inspiring her to be more confident in her own body he was a drag queen and honestly had enough confidence to go around all of New York and Emily has been her best friend since they started working at Claire's together back in high school. At the moment she was going through a closet trying to find something to wear for her hot date later...well technically it wasn't even a date It was a dinner but the point is she thought she had nothing to wear "Honey how many times do I have to tell you take a breath your energy is stressing me out right now try on that red one it makes your ass look good" Cherry says pointing through the phone at the red dress.Honestly he can't understand what Lily was so worried about she had a great body with great curves alot of people would kill for but she always seemed to hate them "Yah try on that red one that color always looks good on your mocha chocolate skin" Emily say putting her curly long red hair up in a ponytail.Lily quickly takes off the pink dress she was wearing grabbing the red one Cherry and Emily suggested for her she didn't feel uncomfortable undressing in front of them Cherry was gay and Emily has seen her without clothes plenty of times at this point "Sooo are you gonna sleep with this guy tonight or what? I mean the the lingerie your wearing right now is okay white it's a nice color on you" Cherry say looking over her body approving. Lily looks down at the matching set she was wearing Emily gasps "of course she's not Lily is classy she wouldn't sleep with him on the first date" Lily sighs shaking her head she honestly hasn't thought about it "Emily's right I'm not going to sleep with him its just a dinner guys not even a date" Cherry just a raises his eyebrow looking at Lily not believing a words she's saying in the slightest if it wasn't a date why was she freaking out like this.If this man was as sexy as Lily described him then why not sleep with him that's what Cherry thought process was at the moment Momo walks across the piles of clothes on the floor walking around in a circle before plopping down onto them for a nap Emily aw-ed watching the chubby cat.Cherry let's out a fake laugh smiling "Yah ok Lil whatever you say, if you want to play innocent that's totally fine with me" he winks Emily laughs as Lily slips on the red dress checking herself out in the mirror not really liking the open back look her brown skin did look great in the red color tho.Lily was a curvy woman big butt big boobs she really didn't like her body shape because no matter what she wears it always draws attention to be completely honest she was very nervous going to dinner with Alex he was like the perfect man tall,handsome funny In her mind he was way out of her league.Lily takes off the dress throwing it onto the pile with the others "This isn't it either" Cherry shakes his head as he picks with the pink nail polish on his thumb nail at the back of her closet she sees a emerald green pulling it out she puts it on and smooths it out over her body it was a little above the knee sweet heart neckline with spaghetti straps. Emily grins widely clapping her hands nodding "that's the one girl" this was enough to draw Cherry attention back he also look up at Lily "Baby that's it you have to wear that one tonight" it seemed like the obvious choice to everyone at this point. Lily smiles she had to agree It did look really good on her It showed off all her curves but not too much just the right amount "Hey Lil I have to get going I have a drag show I have to perform at soon call me after your dinner if you don't, I'll assume your getting some and can't make it to the phone" he laughs blowing her a kiss before ending the call.Emily smiles sadly "Sadly girl I have to go to I should really get started making the lesson plan for my students tomorrow love you baby text me tomorrow" she wave before ending the call Lily sighs she understood that they both had their own life problems to deal with too but she wish her two cheerleaders could have stayed a little bit longer. 30 minutes later Lily finishes getting ready she smiled happy with her reflection in the mirror her straight shoulder length hair was now in curls and she was wearing diamond stud earrings with black 8in heels Cheery gave her for christmas.Lily sat on the edge of her bed putting her phone, keys,lipstick and credit card into her purse Momo jumps on the bed beside her Lily pets the cat as she look up at the clock on her wall It reads 7:40pm She bites her lip with anxiety and excitement she suddenly hears a knock at the door and hops up off the bed startling Momo.Walking over to the door with her purse in her hand she takes a deep breath and slowly opens the door to see Alex leaning against the door framed perfect straight teeth smiling back at her "Hello love ready for our date"

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