Pt. 40

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" In my room now!" Jinx whispers loudly pushing Lily toward her room Lily reluctantly goes into the room but not before looking back at Jinx one last time everyone follows behind except Valentine " Jinx what about you?". He asked softly crossing his arms watching her try to compose herself " If I don't answer the door when they knock they will know something is up go in the room I'll be fine" she says not looking at him she didn't want him to see the fear in her eyes " If you think I'm leaving you in here by yourself your crazy darling that's not happening" he walks to the couch casually sitting down. They both hear a hard knock at the door " Fine your so damn hardheaded I just hope it doesn't get both of us killed" she whispers he simply shrugs his shoulders as she opens the door Alistair pushes his way inside Satan following smoothly behind him hands behind his back " Hello Alistair...Satan what are you to doing here?". Seeing Satan walk through the door instantly fills her with uneasiness she tried to keep her voice steady as she asked her question " We'll ask the questions here...where we interrupting something where you and the Incubus about to go somewhere?" Satan says looking at the bags on there backs as Alistair looks around the living room. Jinx holds tightly to the bag strap glancing over at Alistair " Our business is our own" she says Valentine presses his lips tightly together as Alistair starts to open random doors in the house first the kitchen door then a storage closet door looking around the spaces. Full of anxiety Valentine stands up walking towards Alistair " You sure your not planning on running away?" Satan smiles gauging Jinx's reaction she honestly felt like she was going to pass out her heart was pounding in her chest " Why would we run? We've done nothing wrong" Valentine says standing in Alistair's way to a empty closet " We would very much appreciate if you leave we have plans together". Alistair easily pushes Valentine out of the way to the closet making him fall on the ground Jinx runs over helping him up " Out of my way creature" Satan walks over to stand beside him as he opens the closet. Valentine slowly stands up to not draw attention to them grabbing Jinx's hand walking backwards towards her bedroom door when Alistair throws opens the closet door and finds nothing inside he turns towards them watching them slowly walking backwards just then Alistair eyes meet with something shiny on the ground " I sense that you do have something to hide" Alistair whispers coldly pointing to the ground where one of Lily diamond hair pins has fallen out " Get them!" Satan yells Alistair hands glow bright red as he rushes them " Run!". Valentine yells pulling Jinx's into the badroom with the others locking the door " Make a portal now Jinx take the others and get out of here somewhere he won't find you" the door starts to shake as the demons on the other side try to break through. Jinx's hold out her hand making a portal to an unknown location the others run through " What about you?" he quickly takes off the bag handing it to her in a hurry " Go Jinx I'll distract him as long as I can" Jinx quickly shakes her head she couldn't just leave her friend here to die or worse. The door starts to burn thick black smoke starts to fill the small room " I can't..." Jinx whispers clinching his bag in her hands he chokes on the smoke holding the sides of her face lightly making her meet his eyes " We don't have time darling they need you I'll be fine" he smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes he pulls away pushing her toward the portal " Jinx I....I...just go!" he stuttered he was about to say something else but quickly changed his mind. The door completely turned to ashes just at Jinx steps through looking back one last time " We'll meet again..." he whispers the portal closing behind him he was punched hard in the face he fall to the ground his lip bleeding " Where.did.they.go" Alistair says through his clinched sharp teeth Satan stand beside him arms crossed.


Suddenly the group is spit out the portal onto some grass near a river people where sitting around the area on the grass in chairs minding there own business farther down the river their was a group of seven tall well dressed asian men some with colorful hair talking to a camera crew. Standing up off the ground Lily looks around she didn't know where on earth they ended up but one thing for sure they are definitely back. Max rubs his head looking at a near by sign it looked like a bunch of lines and shapes to him " Hey Alex check this out you have any clue what this says?" Alex helps Lily stand up before walking over looking at the sign Lily wanted to ask Jinx where she brought them but at the moment she was sitting on the grass holding Valentine's bag tightly in her arms. Alex rubs his jew looking over the shapes " It says 한강" Max nods his head before looking up at Alex as Lily walks over standing beside them " Ok and what does that mean?" looking around Alex notices more signs all written in the same language " It says Han river I think we are in South Korea".

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