Pt. 24

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" I can't believe it we are finally going to meet Mr. Sex on legs" Cherry says before bitting down on a cheddary biscuit " I couldn't be more excited to be honest" him Emily and Lily are currently waiting for Alexander to meet them at Red Lobster. When Lily finally let her friends know that Alex was ready to meet them they where both very excited. Emily looks out the window scanning her eyes across the parking lot for the man Lily decided to them " Just try not to be to extra please" Emily say as if Cherry could control his over the top personally he simply rolls his eyes " Baby that's the only way I know how to be he'll love it". Lily sits anxiously across from them sipping on her pepsi now that her and Alex are officially a couple she felt like this was the logical next step the Spice Girls said it beat if he wanted to be with her be would have to get along with her friends if he wanted to be with her it also wouldn't hurt if het bestie's approved of him. Emily points her finger at the window as her eyes land on Alex " There he is! There he is!" she says hastily Cherry leans over pushing her out his way softly " Move out my way" Lily shakes her head you would think they were on the lookout for the celebrities the way they were acting watching as Alex walks through the door. Today he was actually not wearing his usually all white suit he was wearing a dark blue button up with his the first two top buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up his toned arms with a pair of dark blue jeans. He smiles making his way over to there table Lily felt like all eyes in the restaurant followed him as he walked over she stands ready to greet him she wasn't sure how to go about it they haven't had they're first kiss yet " Well hello there" he says wrapping his arms around her frame kissing her cheek light lingering his lips from a second. He only wanted to kiss her on the lips when she was ready and preferably a romantic moment. Lily felt her cheeks heat up she's sure if her skin was slightly lighter you would see a blush on the spot his warm lips touched she pulls away looking up in his eyes " Oh my god you guys are so cute?!". Cherry says pretty loudly swooning over them as they sit down in front of Emily and Cherry Emily reaches across the table shaking Alex hand " Hello I'm Emily the normal one and the loud one beside me is Cherry". Cherry pushes Emily arm leaning over the table shaking Alex hand " I'm not the loud one...I'm the pretty one" he say picking up the menu with a grin on his lips. Lily's friends could be real characters at times she hoped they wouldn't scare him away " I'm Alexander but you can just call me Alex you guys can buy whatever you like night it's all on me" Alex says with a smile looking down at his own menu he was obviously trying to win over her friends and judging by their shocked expressions he had succeeded. Cherry gasps dramatically holding one of Lily's hands from across the table "He's rich, sexy and caring right now this man is meeting all my standards" Lily laughs as the waitress walks over to they're table " Hello welcome to Red Lobster what can I get for you". They all quickly take there orders as they wait for they're food to come now cames the question and answer part of their evening " So why did you disappear on my girl like that a year ago after you guys date did you guys sleep together and have a awkward morning after moment cuz honestly been there and no judgement here" Lily choked on her pepsi at Cherry blunt question Alex softly pats her softly on the back. She really hoped he would lie about the real reason she didn't want her friends to know about all the craziness happening in her life right now " Um actually we didn't sleep together I wanted to take it slow with Lily when we met I didn't live here I was just here for work now that I officially moved here and I wanted us to work on having a relationship I really enjoyed being with her on our date she's a great woman I'm sure you guys are aware". She looks over at him leaning her elbow on the table placing her head onto the open palm she was happy he decided to lie about his disappearance. There food finally arrives to there table and they all start to dig in " I guess I'll settle for that answer for now...what do you do for work?" Cherry asked twirling his pasta around the fork Alex though it over for a minute on what would sound like a believable answer. After all it's not like he could just say he was angel " I.. I'm a umm personal security guard of sorts" he says glancing at Lily out the corner of his eye from support. She catches on nodding her head " Yes yes he's very good at his job only problem for me is it's been pretty dangerous lately and the long hours" she says while looking over her friends reaction they seemed to have fell for it. Cherry grins pointing the fork at Alex " So I guess those muscles aren't just for show then?" he winks making Lily laugh Emily looks at him " Shut up you'll make him uncomfortable". Alex holds his hand up laughing softly " No it's fine and they definitely aren't you can ask Lily" he takes a sip of his soda to hide his smile as her friends turn there gaze to her. They haven't even been intimate yet....they haven't even kissed on the lips but with the was he just said that her friends definitely thought they have. Emily hides her grin behind her hand Cherry let's out a whistle " Well little miss innocent isn't so innocent anymore... you'll have to tell us everything later when sex on legs isn't here I hope you know that?" oh joy Lily thought as she rubs a hand down her face.

(Mia note: it looks to me like Emily and Cherry approve)

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