Pt. 25

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*Reader discretion advised there will be gore in this chap. you've been warned

" My God he's perfect for you he even said my red hair looks cool no straight man has ever said that to me" Cherry says as he skips his way down the sidewalk. They just finished basically interviewing Alex for being Lily's new boyfriend and it seemed they both approved. Since leaving Red Lobster Alex said he had a important meeting to attend which Lily figured was probably some angel business the he'll probably tell her about later. Lily stood between her two friends as the walking to the near by bar it was pretty dark outside at this point but they figured it would be ok because it was all three of them " I'm personal just happy I finally have someone to have couple dinners with and I just know him and Thomas will get along fabulously" Emily claps her hand excitedly. Cherry looks over at Emily " Baby no one can tame all this" he rubs his hand body his body making Lily slightly grin " Tho many have tried" all of them share a laugh they don't even notice the group of four men following behind them. The group walks a little closer to them now Lily notices the heavy footsteps looking behind them as her friends continue to talk amongst them self one of the men wink at her his friends laughing beside him. Lily looks back forward grabbing her friends hands making them walk faster " Wooh wooh speedy Gonzales what's the rush?" Emily says completely unaware of the danger " We need to go now I have a bad feeling about those four guys behind us....I think they may be following us" Lily whispers as they picked up there pace the men behind them also did it only confirmed Lily's suspicion that they were following them. Lily's life has been so crazy late with demon's, fairy, and angels she didn't think about the everyday danger of walking at night " Yum I never had thick chocolate before" One of the biggest men of the group behind them say not even trying to hide the fact he was talking about Lily. Emily eyes widen looking over at Lily she feels her parental instincts kick in grabbing both her friends hands tightly before fully sprinting down the sidewalk pulling them alone. The men chase after them yelling " Get them grab them" one of the men grab Emily long red locks pulling her back she lets out a pained sound and the tight grip she had on there hands was ripped away. Cherry turns around running after them as the men grab a struggling Emily into a alleyway why did it always have to be a damn alleyway Lily thought as her follows quickly " Let her go you bastard" Cherry yells his face turning red Lily never seen him this mad before he punched the man holding Emily right in his face. He groaned holding his nose his friends laughing at him " You really let the fruity one land a punch on you Don" one of the men said before grabbing Emily again throwing her against Cherry making them both slam into a wall and then onto the ground. Lily trys to make her way over to them but one of the men grab onto both of her arms holding her in place. The biggest one walks over holding onto her chin " You wanna have a good time baby girl" he whispers she yanks her face away from his dirty fingers " Not in your fuckin life time" she hissed as she trys to kick him the man holding her laughs at her attempt " Ooh what a bad girl maybe I need to teach you a lesson not to talk to me like that". He moves a dirty fat finger against her cheek before turning towards her friends " Leave them alone!" she yells as him and the other man begin to circle Cherry and Emily he holds her tightly crying into his chest. The big one delivers a punch to Cherry face making blood drip out his lip the other pulls Emily out of his arms throwing her hard to the ground climbing over her. Lily watches in horror as she watches on tears rolling down her face she felt so helpless the big man kicks Cherry hard in the side making him groans " You fucking asshole if you kill me I hope your dick falls off!" he spit blood on the man's shoes it just makes the man madder he kicks Cherry hard in the head. Lily screams as his eyes closed she hears a ripping sound seeing the man over Emily ripping into the front of her dress " Let her go!! Let her Fucking go don't touch her!" Lily feels her whole body heating up. Her body felt like it was about to burst into flames the necklace around her neck slightly burned her skin she was so frustrated and angry the thought of her best friends being harmed right in front out her...she couldn't take it " Or what". He says wickedly trying to undo Emily bra Lily eyes squeeze tightly as she opens them they where bright red " Or this" a deep voice comes out her mouth that sounded nothing like her own seems to echo in the small alley. All heads turn to her in shock as she easily rips her arms out the man's grip as if it was nothing blight red eyes staring right into his soul " What the hell are you?!" one of them say as she picks him up he yells for mercy his friends watch on to scared to move. Lily throws his body against the hard brick wall the all hear the sick snapping noise as his body lay lifeless on the ground the other men yell looking at the body " I'm fucking out of here" the other man that was beating up on Cherry trys to runs out the alleyway " Not so fast". Lily holds up her hand red hot magma shots out landing on his he screams in pain as he falls to the ground dead a grin spreads on her lips as she turns her sights on the big man. To her he looked like scared baby right now he didn't look so tuff " Ready for a good time?" she asked walking to him slowly " Please don't kill me" now he was the one begging her for mercy to bad from him she wasn't feeling very giving " You like to punch people huh how's this for a punch!?". She yells pulling her fist back with all the force she has she punched him hard across the face hearing his bones cracking leaning blood on her fist as he falls like a rock. The last living one trys to run she pulls her heel off her foot throwing it hard it spins as it lands in the side of his neck he falls to the ground she walks over to the dead body pulling out the heel putting it back on. Suddenly feeling more like herself her eyes change back to the normal brown as she runs over to her friends Emily passed out she puts her shaky bloody fingers to Cherry neck feeling a soft pulse. She lets out a sigh looking around at the four dead bodies all around the she finally realized what just happened " Whh..what have I just done".

(Mia note: ok so don't mess with Lily noted

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