Chapter Fifteen

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"kai, table nine."

did i mention that this is also a diner?

i took up the notepad and walked to the table nine.

"good day. what can i get you on this fine day?" no, that wasn't a recited line.

"can i have a lemonade with a slice of banana bread and two cookies to take out?" i hummed and wrote down the order.

"coming right up."

i walked back to counter and went around and gave the order to one of my coworkers whose name i forgot. another waiter went around and it went on and on as a cycle.



"coming." i yelled from the kitchen and finished taking out the cookies from the oven. i rested them on the counter and took off the mittens and rested them down.

"yes, heather?"

"there's someone here to see you."


"tall, brune-"

"tell her to wait." i said and went back in the kitchen to finished doing what i was doing.

i knew it was madison. she's the only brunette that is tall that i speak to.

i took out the cookies from the tray and in a basin and tucked $29 in the money bag and left the kitchen. i was now on lunch, hence the cookies.

i went around the table and heather nodded her head to where madison and justine was and i walked to the reserved booth in the corner.
i pulled out my chair and sat down in front of them.

"hallo." i greeted my loves as i rested the dish down on the table.

they looked at the cookies.

"hey, baby."

"good day, madam."

you can guess who was who.

madison placed a paper bag on the table and i opened it and saw that got me chinese food.

"aww thank you." i pouted and opened the box.

the sweet and sour chicken hits my nose and i closed my eyes in favour.

"i cannot eat this inside. let's go outside." i said and they got up. i closed the box and justine took it from me, placing it in the paper bag and we went outside and to the jeep they drove.

i was quick to get in the backseat.

i had more space around there.

they chuckled and they both went to either sides of the car and opened the door(passenger and driver's seat).

"we knew you love noodles so we got it for you." justine said and she passed me the box.

i pecked her lips and leaned over to peck madison's own too.

"thank you. im actually happy that i can save my cookies."

"i want one."
"i want one."

"you both can get one but they're hot now." i said and they nodded.

i ate in silence and i asked if they wanted some and they shook their heads.

"we bought it for you so you enjoy it." madison said and i rolled my eyes.

"that's nice and all, trying to he romantic but take some."

"i don't want any."
"i don't want any."

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