Chapter Three

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Justine Broomfield

"aww you want to fuck her." madison said as she met me outside.

i rolled my eyes at her, "no i do not. i was simply bonding with her." i stated and she gave me a look, "okay, okay. maybe i wanted to but just a bit!"

"mhm, sure."

out of the both of us, i was the horniest.

she says that it's because we were introduced to the sex life at a young age and that i was mostly affected by it. i believe that's the reason but it's a whatever. i don't want to speak about it. what's done is done and it's in the past.

"so what did you call me for exactly?" i asked her and folded my arms.


"couldn't you handle it?" i whined and stomped my foot.

"yes but i only call you because i don't want our mate breeding on the first night we meet her."

i groaned, "i wouldn't breed her, idiot."

"i can't trust you."

i rolled my eyes and she sped off into the woods that was behind the house. i followed behind her and within three minutes we got to the coven where we ruled.

the guards opened the huge gate when they saw us and we entered. they closed it back after we walked through.

"i have a question for you."

"speak up." madison said and glanced at as we walked to the entrance of the castle.

"what's the deal with you being rude to her?"

"im not rude."

"yes you are. she's sensitive and i realize that. you need to cut down with the remarks and start being nice to her." i said as we walked through the doors. the maids bowed upon our entrance and i motioned for them to rise.

they did and kept working.

"well how can i do it, master justine? i need training and some tips, please." she mumbled sarcastically and then sped off.

i caught up with her and pushed her on the wall roughly.

"stop walking away, you bitch."

"i like it when you degrade me." madison said and fluttered her eyelashes.

i growled and gave her a hard shove into the wall.

"god, you're fucking annoying."

"that's not what you said when i was sucking you off last night."

i took a deep breath to calm my nerves and head to the throne room, ignoring the annoying bitch behind me.

madison was way more different than i am. she's the one who is more carefree rather than i am and she's a big softy. she just have this hard mask up that she puts up to protect herself.

me on the other hand now, i am the worst. i act calm and chill on the outside and i am way more straightforward than madison. i speak my mind instantly, which is how i got kai to stay over, and i have literally no filter. i kill on first sight without hesitation as long i see you're a threat to me and those who i love.

𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 ✔ 𝗚𝘅𝗚𝘅𝗚Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora