Chapter 15

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Xavier's POV
She isn't well. The scratch on her stomach was deep and so was the wound on her thigh. She lost a lot of blood.

I need Cat to wake up. She's been asleep for three days. Connor isn't so well either. He was literally protecting Cat with his life. Not so serious as Cat though. Since he was knocked out, he had time to recover.

Lily comes in the room. My head jerks up to her.

"How is she? Is she okay?" I ask frantically. Lily nods slowly. I sigh in relief.

"Yes, alpha, she is recovering, but very slowly. Yet she seems to be doing better than Connor. He happened to bang his head very hard and his recovery is advancing slower than Katniss'." It takes me a moment to process it.

Connor helped me even though he was injured. He banged his head hard and stop lorries to protect his alpha and Luna. That is true loyalty. I excused myself and went to visit Connor.

I saw him laying and the bed with a bandage wrapped around his head. I pull a chair over and sit next to him.

"God this is weird. I sound so gay. But, fuck that. Um, Connor, you can't leave me. I already know you are good friends with Cat and you've been my bro since I can remember. Please don't die on me." I say.

I stay there for a few minutes with the silence, the pain collapsing down on me. I feel the tears cascading down my face and I let out a small sob.

"Goddamn it you fucktard you're fucking making me cry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. Cat isn't recovering well either. O can't lose any of you. Please. You guys are the only people who actually help me. I'm sorry." I sob.

Goddamn it alphas aren't supposed to cry. I wipe my tears and stand up. I walk out and into the forest. I shrug off my clothes and shift. I pick up the clothes in my mouth and start running as fast as I can in the same direction.

Ten minutes later, I arrive at a small lake near my pack border. I crouch low and put my paw in the water. I shake my paw around, making distortions in the water.

I hear a soft whine behind me and see a small child coming towards me. She reeks of blood and has a huge wound on her left thigh. She only has a shirt on. Slowly, I walk over to her. Tears start to run down her face as she tries to waddle away and I stop.

"A-are y-y-you w-w-wike those oter woovs who are meanies and tries to hurt me?" She cries softly. I shake my head and shift back. I put on some shorts and scoop her up.

I carry her to the water and start washing her thigh wound, using my shirt as a cloth. As soon as I press it down, she whines. I smell her. She's a werewolf. I try distracting her as I clean her.

"What pack are you from?" I ask while cleaning her wound. She lets out a small whine.

"Silver dusk." She says in a shaky voice. I let out a sigh.

That pack barely makes allegiances or allies with anyone. I offered but they declined my offer.

"What happened?" I ask softly. Her lip starts shaking.

"They're were a bunch of meanie wolves, they called them wogues, and I thwink they attack us and we lose and mommy and daddy prwotect me and twold me to wun so I did and I saw u and I think u no mean. Awe u mean?" She asks. I shake my head.

There. All clean. The wound is already starting to heal. I stand up with her in my arms and I start walking to the pack house. She whimpers a little in my arms and I stop walking.

"I scared. What if they don't wike me?" She asks. I smile.

"They will love you no matter what. You know why?" I ask. She shakes her head no.

"Because I am alpha. And this is you're new pack." I say.

Her eyes widen and she bows her head. I growl at that and she scrambles out of my arms.

"I am sowy alpha for the disrespect." She says and loses her balance, falling to the floor.

Her lower lip trembles and she starts to shake and cry. I immediately pick her up and rock her.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. What's your name?" I ask, trying to distract her from crying.

"Cam. Short for Camille." Cam says while hiccuping. I smile at her.

"Hey Cammie. What would you like to eat?" I ask. She shrugs.

"How about a PBJ with apple juice?" I ask. Her face lights up and she nods quickly.

I run to the pack house with Cam in my arms. I walk inside and everyone jerks their head to me, mostly staring at the little girl in my arms. They let out growls and I let out one of my own signaling that she's safe.

I walk into the kitchen and set her down on a stool. I get the peanut butter, jelly and the bread and I make Cam her sandwich. She eats it hungrily and I see her eyes start to droop.

I scoop her up again and walk to the pack doctor. I see Lily and she frowns at me after looking at Cam. She raises her eyebrows when I walk over to her and show her Cam.

"She's from Silver dusk and her parents have died from a rogue attack. She came here on her own and her thigh wound is pretty bad. I need you to help her. Also, her name is Cam. If she wakes up, mind link me. " I say quickly and Lily nods.

Lily takes Cam from my arms and walks inside to another room. I head to Cat's room. I walk inside and see her on the bed. I shut the door and sit next to her.

"You can't believe what has possibly happened. I found a little girl, her name is Camille and she is the most adorable little thing. You'll love her when you meet her. I really need you to wake up. I miss your eyes. I miss the sound of your voice. Please wake up." I beg.

I get up to walk out of the room. When my hand reaches the doorknob, I hear her soft whisper.

"When can I see this wonderful Camille?"

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