Chapter 14

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Xavier's POV
I hated having to leave her when she was asleep. But I had that stupid alpha meeting.

'Connor, look after my mate while I'm gone' I order Connor through mind link. For those of you who don't know, Connor is my beta. Sort of like my brother too.

I enter the room and all the alphas look at me. There's yellow dawn, blue moon, white forest, and no black moon. I frown. Black moon was supposed to be here.

I take a seat in my original place and let the other alphas sort out their shit. Then, I get that horrible mind link.

'Who the fuck did you send to our room when I was taking a fucking shower!!' Cat yells through mind link. My blood boils at Connor.

'What the fuck?! I sent Connor to look after you after you came out of the room not while you were in it. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch." I yell.

'Who is he?' She sighs while asking.

'My beta/best friend' I state angrily

'Then don't kill him. It wasn't his fault. Well it was but try to get my point. Let it go. Oh hey, I just copied Elsa!' She says cheerily. I growl. She isn't even bothered by the fucking incident.

'Oh well bye. I'm gonna meet Connor.' She says and blocks me.

She fucking blocked me. I growl aggravated. Luckily, no alphas heard me. They keep arguing about their security for like 10 minutes when I get that weird smell. The other alphas smell it too. They stop and sniff the air. My pack guard sends me a mind link but we already know what it is.

'Rogues!' Bryan yells at me through mind link. I growl and send the mind link to everyone else in my territory.

I run out and I feel uncomfortable. I shrug it off and look at the rogue running towards me. I snarl and it tries to stop, but he's too late. I jump and shift into my black wolf. Then, I tear out the rogues throat.

I spit out the blood. Then I move onto the next one. One after another, I kill 10 rogues in less than 5 minutes, with my pack warriors by my side, killing other rogues.

Then my wolf tells me a message that makes me go wild.

'Mate is in trouble. Blood! Connor is close to dead.'

**Cats POV**
I stare at the three wolves who just entered the room. The wii remote drops from my grasp. Connor growls and shifts into his wolf. But I'm not a worthless mate. I shift into my own wolf.

The first wolf lunges at Connor, distracting him. The other wolf stalks towards me slowly. I back up. He surprisingly send a mind link to me.

'Huh, such a waste. Why don't you and me go someplace else? Let me keep you, not kill you.' The rogue mind links. I snarl in return and circle him.

'In you're fucking dreams.' I say and take the first lunge. I scratch his back and he uses his hind legs to push me off him.

I crash into the wall and the pain adds to my adrenaline. The rogue lunges at me and I dodge the blow. At least I try to. His teeth sink into my hind leg and I whimper. I scratch at his face and he takes a step back.

I look at Connor and both rogues are fighting him. Connor is losing badly. While the rogue I'm fighting is distracted, I run to and aid him. The rogue pushes him to a wall and he blacks out.

Great. I'm stuck fighting three rogues. Oh well, let me try and die.

The first rogue lunges at me but I dodge the blow and sink my teeth into his neck and throw him against the wall. The impact knocks the rogue out.

1 down, 2 to go.

One rogue distracts me by snapping at my face and biting my ear so I don't see the other rogue behind me. He sinks his teeth into the wound that the other rogue bit.

Then he scratches me on my ankle an my stomach. I howl in pain. Why does this shit hurt so....... Oh come on! Seriously. Silver. The murderous growl that comes from the door makes all of us freeze in place.

I inhale and smell him. Xavier. He's there in his huge wolf form. All of us don't notice that the wolf I knocked out has woken up and has shifted back into human form. I sensed it and turned around but was cut short when his hand came around my throat and he held a knife to it. Silver knife because I can feel the burn. I freeze in place.

'Jeimy, what do I do?!' I ask my wolf frantically. She whines.

Both of us don't know what were supposed to do. But I think logically. Even though Xavier will hate me for this, I shift back.

Though my plan backfires because the rogues crotch is not so far away from my ass. Xavier growls at the sight. The rogue smirks.

"Hey, you're pretty beautiful, aren't you?" The rogue says, running his free hand through my body. I smile and lean back against him.

Xavier growls and the rogue raises a brow. I smile at the rogue.

'Let me do something if you want me to live. You really think I'm gonna cheat on you. Just appear angry. Please. I got this.' I plead through mind link. Xavier growls again.

'Fine' He replies. I smile and run my hands on the rogues body.

"You're not so bad yourself." I say to the rogue. He smiles and Xavier growls.

"Hey back off she wants to be with me." the rogue says. I nod.

"Why can't we take this to a room?" I plead with puppy eyes. The rogue nods and Xavier snarls.

The rogue clicks his tongue and the two rogues push Xavier against the wall. Xavier shifts back and looks at me.

"Why don't we do this I front of you're mate, shall we?" He says. I nod and run my hand through the rogues arm.

In a flash, I push the knife away from my throat and into the wall, having it slipped from the rogues hand. I do a hook kick on the rogues face and he blacks out.

My claws extend and I rip the rogues throat out. Xavier takes that moment to kill one of the rogues restraining him by snapping its neck and shifts to fight the other. I sit down and lay on the floor. The lack of blood from my ankle and stomach is really getting me dizzy.

Connor wakes up and takes 2 seconds to analyze the situation and pounces on the rogues neck. The rogue yelps in surprise and Xavier rips it's throat out. They shift back and look at me.

A look of fear crosses Xavier's face and he grabs me and rushes to the pack doctor in a matter of seconds. Lily takes one look at me and her eyes widen. She lead Xavier to a bed to put me on and puts a mask on my face. I inhale the oxygen and black out.

Okay I know that I said that the trusted doctors were Marisa and then lily, but Marisa is supposed to be Cats best friend and Lily is supposed to be the trusted doctor. Sorry for mixing everything up.~Melissa 😅

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