Chapter 9.5 and 10

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Okay so I realized my fuck up as I was editing so now there will be two chapters in one chapter.
Chapter 9.5
My eyes flutter open and I'm blinded by a white light. Xavier is next to me, apparently reading a book. Looking for Alaska.

"The alpha has a thing for John green books huh?" I ask, my voice a bit raspy.

His head shoots up and his eyes widen. I laugh at him.

"Babe I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked and please forgive me."
Cats POV
I wake up laying on Xavier. I am literally on top of him while he is snoring peacefully. I giggle and his grip around my waist tightens and I wince a little. He just made me have to go to the bathroom. Now.

"Xavier." I whisper yell. His eyes fly open and they land on me.

"Hey baby." He says in a deep, husky morning voice. I almost moan at the sound. He smirks. I scowl.

"Let me go to the bathroom." I say. He frowns and lets go of my waist. I run to the bathroom and do my business. I brush my teeth and comb my hair. Then I go outside and start picking out my clothes.

"Oh babe, today is your Luna coronation. And my alpha coronation." Xavier says. I frown and turns around.

"Aren't you already alpha?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"No I am not I just took over a little because my dad, um, lost his mate." He says pained. I run over to Xavier and hug him. He buries his head in my neck and I feel tears coming down.

"She died when I was five. All I think now was, could I have saved her? She died in front of me because of a silver bullet. And I saw the man raise his gun. I could have warned her." Xavier cried. My heart broke seeing him in this vulnerable state. We stayed like that for a few minutes before he flopped down on the bed and I straddled him.

"Thank you. Nobody really comforted me like that. You know, since I'm a future alpha." Xavier says looking into my eyes. I smile and kiss him softly.

"Sometimes, you can't hold it in. Because at some point, you're gonna have to let it out. Or else it will kill you on the inside." I say. He smiles weakly and I get off him. He lets out a whine and I chuckle.

"Ima take a shower. Wanna join?" I ask seducively. His eyes widen and he shakes his head, while his d*** practically jumps out of his pants. I laugh so hard that in rolling on the floor. He scowls and covers himself with a pillow.

"You and I don't have self control. Not a lot anyways. So no. I know you wouldn't like you're first time to be in a shower." Xavier says. True. I grab a simple shirt and shorts along with my underclothes with lotion an I step inside the bathroom. I take a quick shower and get dressed. I dry and comb my hair, and then put on a bit of makeup. I walk out and see Xavier asleep again. I laugh and slip on my vans. Then, I sneak up to Xavier and jump on him. He groans in pain and his eyes fly open.

"Ow. What the fuck was that for?" Xavier whines. I snort unattractively.

"Go take a shower and I will go get you breakfast." I say. He frowns and I shoo him into the shower. I go downstairs to the kitchen and see Marisa inside. I smile at her and she smiles back.

"Making him breakfast?" She asks as I grab three eggs from the fridge. I nod and crack them and put salt into them. I cook them and make scrambled eggs. I grab a tray and two cups. I pour coffee into the cups and put it on the tray. I grab the tray and head up to the room. I open it an see that Xavier is still in the shower. I put the tray on the nightstand. Then the window breaks open with a rock flying through, while hitting me on the head. I fall backwards and reach towards my head. I feel liquid and I pull back my hand, seeing blood. Xavier comes out of the bathroom and freezes when he sees me. Then he runs into the bathroom, coming out with a wet clothes, a needle and thread. He rushes over to me and wipes my forehead.

"How the fuck did this happen?" He growls while stitching my forehead. I shrug my shoulders. When he finishes he sits me on his waist and growls at me. I whimper. Then I remember the rock. I scramble out of his arms as he lets out an intimidating growl. I grab the rock and flip it. There is a piece of paper stuck to it that says

'Hey babe,
I'm going to get you soon. Then, we'll finish what Vanessa interrupted.
- your love, Daniel'

Xavier reads the note and throws the rock against the wall. The rock caves I to the wall, burying deep. I crawl away from him into a corner and put my head in my arms.
Calm down Cat.
Keep it together Cat.
Don't be afraid.
It's going to be okay.
I start sobbing and Xavier is immediately by my side, embracing me in a hug. I sob into him for a while and then my cries turn into hiccups. I sing to myself one of the songs I made up.

What did you do?
What have I done?
I messed up
While I was being loved.
You were with me
I did not know
I survived
While you did not
Why were you here?
Why did you come?
I tried to stop you
But I messed up too much
You were with me
You took the blow
We fell over
As it started to snow
A happy life
Changed in an instant
Your heart was beating
Then the silence was constant
I loved you then
And I still do
But to be honest
I really miss you
Your dashing smile
Your awesome hair
You made me happy
But it wasn't really fair
Your sad smile
Your dark mind
Your constant thinking of suicide
I saw you there
Without me
Hanging out with that new girl
Under the willow tree
You kissed her
I was so mad
But after that
All I felt was sad

Xavier stares at me. I shrug casually.

"What?" I ask. He shakes his head and smiles.

"You have a wonderful voice. You could be a singer when you grow up. " Xavier says. I blush deeply. He leans onto my forehead and removes the stitches. I kiss his cheek and grab his hand. I give him the tray and he raises his eyebrow.

"Breakfast." I say. He takes it and takes a bite out of the scrambled eggs. His eyes widen and he starts shoveling the food down his throat.

"You also cook good." Xavier says with a stuffed mouth. I giggle and do a dramatic fall onto the bed. Xavier puts aside the tray and hovers over me in a push up position. I laugh and run my hand down his face. He leans onto my mark and bites on it, and an immense amount of pleasure courses through me. I let out a soft moan and he growls.

"Xavier stop. You said it yourself. We dont have a lot of self control. Please stop." I beg. He lets out a grunt and gets off me. I go towards the window and inspect the crack. I look out the window and see someone point a gun at me. I shriek and stumble backwards. Xavier smells the air and growls.

"Fucking rogue." He says as he jumps out the window. I dash towards the window and see him chasing the rogue, already shifted. I grab a pair of shorts and run towards the door that lead outside. I almost reach the doorknob when my hair gets yanked and I'm pulled backwards. I feel a sting on my cheek. I look up and see Vanessa.

"Pathetic bitch." She says as she punches my face. I let out a wince and I growl. I punch her stomach and she gasps, doubling over. I run outside and try and track Xavier's scent. I find it after wandering aimlessly and I follow it. I mask my scent and head towards Xavier's scent and I find Xavier fighting another brown wolf. Daniel.

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