26: Miss her

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Y/n slowly walked to the entrance with two guards following her and her eyes fell on Taehyung. He smiled and ran to her before hugging her but she gasped.

"Sweetheart, I was so worried. Why did you come here without telling me?" He asked before pulling away. She smiled at him. "I just didn't want to bother you."

"Why more hair of yours have turned black?" He asked while looking at her hair but she smiled slightly before shaking her head. "Nothing to worry about."

"Sweetheart, let's go back. You shouldn't stay here. They'll lock you up." He said tugging her hand towards the exit but she pulled her hand back. "No, Taehyung, this is my home. I won't go back."

Taehyung's heart broke into a million pieces hearing that. He shook his head and stared at Y/n.

"If this is because of what I told you then please forgive me. I was really angry and I know I messed it up. I'm extremely sorry. Please come back with me." He said holding her hands but she shook her head.

"No, Taehyung, I don't want to go back there. This is my home. You said it as well. You were right." She said and Taehyung shook his head.

"Y/n, why would you leave me? You said me not to leave you. I did when you didn't want me to. But when I want you back you're behaving this way with me." He said desperately.

She took her hands back and pulled the ring from her finger and tears tricked down Taehyung's face. She took his hand and placed the ring on his hand.

"No, sweetheart. Please. Don't do this." He pleaded but she shook her head. She turned back and was about to walk when he held her hand to stop her.

"Sweetheart, please. I know I'm late but I love you. You are my mate. We shouldn't stay away from each other. You'll be weak without me."

Suddenly a hand clawed Taehyung's firmly. Y/n turned around and her eyes widen to see a fuming Jimin glaring at Taehyung. He held her hand and yanked it harshly from Taehyung's grip.

"Taehyung, she said that she doesn't want to go with you. So you leave!" Jimin snarled. "I'm not talking to you!" Taehyung screamed back and looked at Y/n desperately.

Jimin held her hand and she looked at him. Taehyung saw both of them looking at each other. He cried even more while fisting the ring in his hand. "Let's go, precious," Jimin said to her and she turned to look at Taehyung.

"You wanted me gone, Taehyung. You'll be in trouble if you're with me." She says and turns around to walk away from them.

Taehyung sobbed silently and glared at Jimin with red eyes. "I'm just protecting her, Taehyung. She'll be safe here." He said and followed Y/n.


Chanyeol slammed his fists on the table. "She went back to Shinhan?" He yelled and his men nodded.

"Arghhh!!! These plans were useless!!! I need to take up things in my hand right now!!!" He said and glared at his men.

"Did you send your men to reach out for the Kims?" His father screamed while barging into the room. "Yes, they had the witch with them. But now she returned back to Shinhan!"

"Why would you order some unworthy men to kill them? I could've hired better! I'm after them anyway!" Jinhua screamed.

"What? Why?" Chanyeol questioned. "We are business rivals and they keep taking away my clients! I need to end their lives." Jinhua said and Chanyeol looked at him in disgust.

"Just because of business rivalry you're committing murder?" Chanyeol asked and his father smirked. "Sometimes in order to win, you need to be the bad guy."


Taehyung lifelessly walked to the tree with the blue orchids and stared at it. He cried silently until a hand was placed on his shoulder.

He turned around to look at the man with the icy blue hair smiling at him. "Something really bad?" He asked and Taehyung nodded. "Aren't you the guy at the diner the other day?"

"Yes, Yoongi is my name. Anyways, why are you crying?" He asked and Taehyung sighed deeply before looking up at the tree. "I just miss her. I realized her worth too late."

"The girl who has the same hair as me? The little vamp?" Yoongi asked and he nodded. "Was she your mate?"

"I treated her only as a mate but I guess she was something more precious to me. I love her but I wasn't sure of my feelings. Now that she's gone I miss her." Taehyung admitted. Yoongi reached up to pick a blue orchid from the tree.

"Does this remind you of her?" He asked and Taehyung nodded. "Take this with you. Watch it when you recall her."


"How did you know that he was here?" Jimin asked Y/n. She placed the phone that Taehyung gave to her on the desk.

Jimin sighed before taking the phone from there while Y/n frowned. He kept his phone in front of her.

"Here use my phone. Don't use anything that he gave to you." He said and Y/n looked at him. "Why do you keep me away from him?"

"Because he will hurt you, precious. I've known him before you. He's not a person who commits to a single person. He'll break your heart." He said while holding her shoulders and looking into her eyes deeply.

"I know him now. He is not like that. He loves me a lot." She said and Jimin looked at her with a pained expression. "He doesn't mean that, precious."

"Even if he never said it to me. I know that he loves me. He cares for me. He wants to protect me. And he cannot live without me." She said and Jimin looked at her.

"But you left him and came back to me." He said seriously. Y/n simply looked at him blankly. Jimin frowned at her features and stepped closer.

"You came back because of me, right?" Jimin asked and leaned to kiss her but she pushed him back.

She looked at him while tears were brimming her eyes. "I came back because of my mother." She clarified.

Jimin took a deep breath and fisted his hands before walking away from the room leaving Y/n all alone crying to herself.


"Taehyung, you are here!" Mrs. Kim said while he went to his mom and hugged her tightly, holding the blue flower in his hand. "I was so scared, mom. You have no idea."

"I'm alright, Taehyung. Don't worry. Where is Y/n?" She asked and Taehyung pulled back to look at her.

"Y/n went back home, mom! I'm glad she did! Because of her, you were nearly dying." Jisoo spat in rage.

"What? No way! You all didn't stop her?" Mrs. Kim asked and Namjoon frowned at her. "Why do you look so panicked, mom? What happened?" He asked and she looked at him.

"If I was nearly dying, then because of her I'm still alive. She used her powers to save me."

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