sixty two

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August 27, 2018 Los Angeles

Elizabeth's POV

I'm laying on my bed in Perry's hoodie and shorts, the morning just came and I woke up a little earlier than normally. Yesterday evening, I came back home from re-shooting in Atlanta for 2 weeks and I immediately went to bed, being tired as hell. Filming while pregnant isn't the easiest, I have no idea how Scarlett did that when she was pregnant with Rose during my first Avengers movie. I guess she had practice after working with Isabelle or she's just stronger than me because I didn't even film too much and I was every day so tired that I practically fell asleep just when my head hit the pillow. I'm so glad that it's over and I'm back home.

Perry picked me up from the airport and since then she didn't leave my side, falling asleep with her head on my chest, just above my stomach. It's so damn cute watching her when she talks to the baby. Especially if she thinks that I'm asleep already and she let herself being more sweet and silly than with me awake. My heart can describe how happy I am with her in my life.

But during my absence, I got a bit worried about her. She went MIA last Saturday and then Monday. She didn't tell me where she was, I could sense that she's hiding something, but I gave her benefit of the doubt. Except of that, she didn't do anything for me not to trust her again, so I just trust that she'll tell me when she's ready. She wouldn't do anything to ruin my trust again, I know she wouldn't.

So, knowing that it's barely 9 a.m and Perry hates waking up too early without good reason, I slowly lift her head from my body and sneak out from the bed, pushing my pillow in my place. She hugs it without a second though and I smile lovingly at the sight of my girlfriend. She looks so adorable while she sleeps, the small smile on her face when she snuggles her head into my pillow melts my heart and I need to leave the bedroom quickly before I start to cry because of that.

I go to pee really quick because that little one inside me squeezes my bladder hard. I can't wait for the lunchtime because finally we're going to find out the gender of the baby. Perry wanted to wait and find out on the baby shower, but I only looked at her like she's crazy and she immediately backed out with that idea. I love her, but there's no way I'm waiting more than I need to find about my gender my baby is.

I know that before, I was thinking that we're having a girl, but lately I started to think differently. I didn't tell Perry because she'd make fun of me of that, but I really feel like we're having a boy. It's just weird feeling inside me. Scarlett told me that to trust mother's feeling and I do just that. But even if I'm right, I'll let Perry believe that she was right, I feel like it's important for her.

Snapping from my thoughts, I walk to the garden to relax for a while, taking care of my plants. Gardening is one of just few things that helps to clear my mind. It calms my anxiety or just relax me when I'm nervous about something. And now I'm stressed about the doctor appointment. Today, I'll not only find out what we're having, but I'll probably have to do more tests connected to the baby's gender.

Perry told me her worries about the condition that she has and almost begged me to do extra tests if the baby turns out to be a boy. She just wants to know that it'll be 100% a boy. She doesn't want to make a mistake like her parents did and forced them to live as a boy if they aren't.

I begin to water zucchinis, tomatoes, cucumbers and some other things, making a mental reminder that I'll have to harvest them next month. It takes me some time, watering is the lest likable thing for me, it's just very tedious job.

When I finish, I decide that I have a big craving for strawberry, so I walk over to them with a small basket and sit there. I don't have too much of them now, it's almost after their season, so they're slowing ending. Strawberries are my favorites fruits and I'm always sad when I don't have any anymore.

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