Chapter 57. "The Return of Old Friends."

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"What can be more beautiful than old friends, old books, old wine and young women?"

- Julien de Falkenare

- What happened, Ed? - Daniel began more seriously.

- I've been reported, I got into a fight at the club with some guys, and from what I've learned, they have connections, so I could go to jail... - I started it.

- Do you believe that I would let you go to jail? - There was a soft laugh from my friend.

- I don't know Dan, I've got so many problems and this one, you're the only one who can help me, I won't stay in debt.

- If you say that again, I'll throw you on the blacklist, we're friends not because of any moral values, but because we're very similar in spirit, you're like a brother to me... Besides, you know what kind of brother I have and how much I had to put up with him...

- Yeah, I know," I said, remembering my half-brother Daniel.

- Are you in San Francisco?

- Yes, and as you know I can't go out...

- Yes, I understand that, I'm in New York, I think, by evening I will be able to be at your place, I will look at the flights, if the nearest is not I will take a plane from Aaron and will come to you, okay?

- Thanks Dan, what would I do without you...

- Let's not thank you yet. I haven't done anything yet. Come on, hang in there.

- I'll see you later. - I said, and I hung up.

I put the phone down, and I grabbed my head because she was really sick... I got up and went to the bathroom to get myself all cleaned up... after the baths I got ready and got in my car and drove to my house, I had to get my papers and change...

Opening the door, I entered, there was silence around me, I realized that Joanna had left, and what else would I expect after everything that had happened?

I opened the fridge, I took a bottle of water and after a few sips I went to my bedroom, but as soon as I opened it I saw Joanna asleep on my bed...

She hadn't left...

I stopped and just looked at her, I didn't know what to do or what to do, the little wench was sleeping so sweetly that I couldn't even take another step because I might wake her up...

I closed the door and went back inside... sitting on the couch I started to think, I had created a problem for myself on the spot, maybe I should have just stayed? Talk to her and get to the bottom of our problem?

I did not know the answers to my questions, but I saw that my phone was receiving calls from unknown numbers, one hundred percent it was my father... but I didn't want to answer or hear his voice at all...

I wrote to Oskar that my lawyer was coming in the evening and asked him to let me know at the station that I would be there in the evening.

I went out to the balcony and smoked again, this bad habit made my brain go crazy, but there was nothing I could do about it, only nicotine could somehow calm me down for the moment.

After finishing smoking I went back into the living room and made the decision to leave, I knew that a little longer and Joanna would wake up and see me and everything would start all over again, now I had other problems and I had to wait for Daniel to arrive, so I just drove back to Oscar's apartment...

My head hurt like hell, and those stitches, not to mention the fists, really getting into fights is the last thing you should do, you should always try to avoid any fight it's not good for anything...

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