Chapter 48. "Passion."

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Love is when you give and want to give, and passion is when you take and want to take.

Temptation (Original Sin)

On behalf of Edmund:

The morning began with Sandra, the blonde bringing me breakfast in bed and accompanying it all with her kisses.

- Good morning, honey. - She ran her hand over my stubble and kissed my cheek gently," How did you sleep?

- I've slept better," after drinking my coffee, I got up and went to the bathroom.

In fact, I was annoyed by this behavior, namely, that the girls were willing to do anything for me, the girls had lost their value and forgot that it was the man who should take the initiative.

After the bathroom procedures, I went out and saw a girl who was already packed.

- I called the head doctor at the hospital wants to meet with us.

- What for?

- I do not know ...

- Let's go," I quickly got dressed and Sandra and I hit the road.

- Good morning Mr. Wood, we're here about Sean Kelly, I called you this morning.  - Sandra started talking.

- Good morning, come in please. - We sat down across from the doctor and began to listen to him.

- Anyway, from what I understand you are the only people close to Sean?

- Yes, - I answered briefly, but Sandra decided to add, - He has parents, they are just going through a very difficult emotional time and because of that Sean had to leave San Francisco.

- I see, but I am more worried about you, because I know this guy can hardly live without you.

- What exactly is the problem? - I asked.

- Sean is in a coma, and there were attempts this morning to bring him back, but so far it has failed, too much dope was found in his blood, and you must understand that if your friend, God willing, comes out of a coma, all he needs is half a gram of cocaine or other drugs, he will die immediately and no one will save him. We have two choices," Mr. Wood began, "either you take him out of the coma after he wakes up, under your own supervision, or we send him to an inpatient facility for many years, he has a very severe form of addiction, he doesn't use every day, but when he starts he can't stop.

- We'll take him away," I said straight away.

- Are you sure? He would be a burden on you.

- Are you suggesting that I take my closest and best friend to the hospital to be turned into a vegetable? - I got angry.

- Well, let's not make it worse. Without tranquilizers, Sean can't come to his senses.

- I already gave you the exact answer.

- I have nothing against it.

- That's good, is that all you wanted to tell us?

- For now, yes.

- Thank you, goodbye. - I got up and Sandra followed me. On leaving the hospital Sandra started cursing.

- What was that just now, Ed?

- What was wrong?

- How did you behave?

- How would you act if you were me? Would you agree to have Sean put in a cage?

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