Chapter 19. "The Clash."

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"In the case of a clash of motives, the choice is always made toward the stronger motive."

- Nikolai Onufriyevich Lossky

On behalf of Joanna:

Elmund talked some more with this guy and he turned his attention to me.

- Won't you introduce me? - Sneeringly said the man.

- Not to your regret, no. - Edmund answered calmly.

- Edie, come on, who's the babe sitting next to you?

- Tony, go home, I'll see you tomorrow. - Ed answered and gave the gas. I was silent as I could see the man's anger, he clutched the steering wheel and a swollen vein appeared on his neck, he clenched his teeth, he must not have liked his brother's behavior at all.

Interesting behavior... maybe they had a rivalry? But looking at his brother, I don't know if it was dark or what, I wouldn't say they were too much alike...

We drove up to the hotel it looked very expensive, rich...

- Come on," he said, and we went out.

- Good night, Mr. Wright. - We greeted him at the reception.

- Good night, give me a number.

- The usual?

- No, the one I take for myself.

- The 212 is at your disposal. - She smiled, and I could see that she was making eyes at him, and they looked at me askance, for they wanted to tell me what you were missing next to such a man. We went up to the second floor, he opened the door and let me in, it was all in silence, I felt out of place.

- You can make yourself at home. I'll get you a driver in the morning. - He said as he continued to stand at the door.

- Thank you," I said, and then added, "Can I ask you a question?

- Go ahead. - Leaning against the doorjamb, he said

- And why did you say your room, some kind of a separate room?

- Because," he came up to me and took me by the chin, ran his thumb over my lower lip, "in that room I used to bring escorts, and here I used to come alone to clean up when I had guests or friends staying at my house... - He whispered.

- And that guy?

- Which one? - He stepped away from me and headed for the door.

- Your brother...

- Ah, Tony, he's my cousin, he comes around here a lot and gives me a hard time with his wild lifestyle, don't let him see you or he might give you a boo-boo. - He winked, and then took hold of the doorknob.

- Will you leave me alone? - I said it quietly, like a child, but then I realized what a load of crap I'd said.

- Do you want me to stay, Joanna?

- I'm afraid... just... but... - I started to stammer, to which he smiled.

- I'll put you to bed and leave. - He took off his shoes and made his way to the room...

I was glad, I admit honestly, but on the other hand I knew that Mr. Wright would never look at me as an attractive girl...

I lay down on the bed, and he crouched down next to me.

- Are you going to sleep in your dress? - He grinned.

- Yes," I answered briefly.

- You could have taken off your clothes... - he said with a touch of vulgarity, and my mind immediately flashed images of my dream...

- I feel safe," I said, and he stroked my hair.

- You're just a child, Joanna, and you don't understand the real world you're in.

- What do you mean?

- You're a naive little girl, the likes of you get "eaten up" in a simple place. If my friends or even Tony saw you, you'd never get out of their clingy hands, they'd humiliate you, mock you, and make your life a living hell...

- But I'm not like that...

- That's what everybody says, but society, believe me, it changes people, I used to be different too, a kind and good guy, once I moved out from my parents and lived alone, started running a business, then I understood what real life is like.

I didn't say anything... because I didn't know what to say, I closed my eyes and gradually drifted off into a deep sleep...


The next morning...

I woke up to the sunlight creeping into my room, I covered my face with the blanket and tried to continue my dream, but then the phone started ringing and never stopped ringing, I got up and rubbed my eyes and saw that the sound was coming from my bag...  I picked up my bag and took the phone out and saw a picture of Mr. Wright and a grown man hugging him, if you look hard enough you can see the resemblance, I looked up and saw "Father" written on it, and just then I realized I still had Edmund's phone... not this. - I uttered and slapped my hand across my face.

The phone rang for a long time, and I didn't pick it up, my heart was racing, what if I picked it up and it started screaming? What should I do?

I didn't know what to do, and the first thing that occurred to me was to go to the office and give the phone to Edmund and let him deal with his father himself. I washed my face, made myself look more or less normal, and left the room. I left my key at the front desk and walked out of the hotel before Edmund's driver met me.

- Good morning, Mrs. Morris. Mr. Wright asked me to drive you home. - The man said quickly.

- Good morning, yes, he warned me, but can't you take me to his office? I need to talk to him...

- Whatever you say... - he answered and we drove off.

I was holding the phone in my hands and I felt a little uneasy, my hands were shaking and I was afraid there might be a scandal now, what if his father got sick? Or something terrible had happened? All kinds of bad thoughts went through my head, and luckily there was no traffic and we made a short drive to Mr. Wright's office.

- Thank you. - I uttered and was about to leave when the driver asked me

- Would you like me to wait for you, miss?

- If you can, I would be grateful. - I answered quickly and got out.

Surprisingly there was no one at the reception, I ran past them and got into the elevator. Went up to the right floor and reached the very three nines, I wondered why not flip them over and get three sixes, I think those numbers are more suited to Mr. Wright's character.

I knocked and no one answered, I knocked again and silence again, I pulled the knob and went into the office, as they say at my own risk.

- Excuse me, Mr. Wright. - I said, but my eyes met the eyes of another man, the one I'd seen in the incoming call photo on Edmund's phone.

- Good morning, milady. What can I do for you? - He said, and I realized I was dealing with Edmund Wright's father...

From the author:

Hello there, my lovelies. What do you think of this chapter? What do you think of everything that's going on? And what do you think of the ending?

Write your opinion in the comments. ❤❤❤

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