Chapter 68. "The Beginning or the End."

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It is only when we finish an intended composition that we realize where we should have begun it.

Blaise Pascal.

On behalf of Joanna:

We spent the whole day alone with Ed, nothing foretold trouble, we sat on the couch watching some movie, Ed went to the bathroom and never came back, as soon as I decided to go see how he was, I saw him lying unconscious, I started screaming but no one was around, everything was like a fog, I got up and tried to find my phone and I got Ed's cell phone, I took it and called the first contact I had, it was Tony, luckily he answered me immediately and did not keep me waiting long... - I said, and the guys listened to me.

- Don't think about it! - Daniel came up to me, who had just arrived, he was a little off because he had gone to the next town for a meeting.

- What could have happened to him? - Viviana stood in front of us and held Tony's hand.

When Tony arrived, he immediately called an ambulance, lifting Ed up he took him to the exit, again we were lucky that the ambulance came very quickly, the whole time, I didn't understand what was happening to me and what had happened, until now, I was in a foggy state...

- God, God," Sean began, "I had this feeling that Ed couldn't be left behind...

- I think he'll be fine. - Oscar added and then Oswald appeared at the door

- What's the matter? - He asked gruffly and looked at me and came over and hugged me," Why are you crying, Joanna?

- I don't know what happened to him... - I kept crying.

- "You asked what the doctor said," he said to Tony.

- He told us to wait.

- What about Ed?

- He slipped into a coma and there's no prognosis yet. - Oskar added.

- I knew it," he said quietly and left us to go outside followed by Sandra.

- Guys, we have to stay calm, I don't think anything bad is gonna happen to Ed. - Daniel started, but then Sean exploded.

- Of course you don't think Dan! Because Ed's already in a bad situation, he's lying in a coma, what can we talk about? - He yelled at the brunette," Of course you did good, you ditched us, you went off on your own when you should have been there!

- And now you want to accuse me of something? - You're old enough to be my son, Sean. Don't raise your voice at me, for you might get a good one for that!

- Calm down, your swearing won't do any good. - Trying to stop them Oscar, I got up and just walked down the hall, Stacy followed me.

And instead of being supportive, she said, "You know why this happened?

- Why? - I asked tearfully, hoping to hear something normal.

- It's your fault, you stole Ed from me and now you're paying for it.

- Have you lost your mind, Stacy?

- You knew I loved him, you knew about our relationship, you saw that we were good. No, you had to shit all over us, take my Edie and now what are you so happy about? What did you accomplish? Not only did you ruin my life and Ed's, but you ruined your friend Henry's life and all he did was talk about you and I can imagine how surprised he was to find out you were his kinlua, you disgusting Joanna! - She said and left, I rolled down the wall and began to sob, all my life I have been criticized, humiliated, insulted and just hated, unfortunately when I came home I saw the same thing only from my father, who instead of supporting and loving me only humiliated me... Now I'm alone, and I don't know what I'll do if Ed leaves me, though I know I'll go after him...

With those thoughts in mind, I walked out the other exit and just wanted to die, right there and now, but Daniel reappeared to take me in his arms.

- Will you stop crying?

- I'm tired of this life, Dan.

- I know, I know how you feel, let's sit down," he led me to a bench and we looked up at the stars, he took off his jacket and put it on me. - My half-brother, Aaron, you don't know him, but Ed knows him, he's had a really hard life too, he's done terrible things and I've always seen it, always been there for him, of course our relationship didn't work out the first time I met him, but still, I remember going to his apartment and seeing him unconscious in the bathroom, he had cut his wrists and just walked away, it was like leaving me alone in the world. .. we fought for his life for a long time and it was only because of one girl who decided to take away his most precious thing and that was his heart... - he did the whole show and he met her and he got his revenge, I mean you shouldn't give up, yes, sometimes we want to die and we think it's the best way out of life, but no matter how bad life is, you can't do that, you hit the jackpot Joanna, So have I and Edie and everyone who lives on this Earth, I won't say it's easy for all of us, but trust me, life is given once and anyone should take this chance to do anything to get a real taste of life, and ending your life with suicide is wrong and stupid, any situation can be resolved, forgotten and started over is never too late. .. - He said, and my soul was at ease.

- "What would I do without you, Daniel?" I looked him in the eye.

- "I promise everything will be okay, just trust me, okay? - He tucked a strand behind my ear and smiled.

- Thank you for everything... - I looked into his black eyes and hugged him...

The doctor's prognosis was not good, the head doctor called only one person to his office and that was Edmund's father...

- Doctor, I'll pay all the money you want, but please, my son, he has to live... - ...Oswald said with tears in his eyes.

- I understand you, Mr. Wright. I know that situations like this bring shock, panic and stress to parents and loved ones, but, you have to be strong.

- No! Please! - Dr. Oswald interrupted.

- Look, your son has a congenital disease, it's a wonder he ever lived to be thirty, there's very little chance he'll wake up...

- No, no, no, you're lying! You are doing this all on purpose my son can be saved! I'll take him to America, they'll save him there!

- It is impossible, it will not be possible to translate him, but you should understand that we have a very good hospital and the doctors who led me fought very hard for your son's life, we did everything in our power and I ask you just to be strong and be ready for any eventuality...

The doctor's words were like a knife through Oswald's heart, his whole life flashed before his eyes, he remembered everything, from his first steps to the moment when the headmaster called him urgently to tell him about his son's bad behavior... Oswald had always thought that he had invested a lot in the development and life of his son, but only now he realized that the main thing, the most important thing he had missed in the education of his son was his presence, he spent too much time in the office, on money, contracts, deals and of course mistresses, he lived for himself and only now, one might say, having lost his son, he realized his main mistake...

"A father's love is irreplaceable, it cannot be described in words, it is a feeling that cannot be explained, it is soulful and beautiful... A father's love is more than support, support and protection... A father's love cannot be described in words, a father's love is one and it's a shame that most men don't understand this, that a father's love is important and irreplaceable...."

From the author:

Hello everyone, my good ones❤️ I apologize for delaying the release of the chapter again...

What do you think of the chapter? What do you think of everything that's going on?

Will Edmund survive or will we have to have his funeral?

And what do you think of the mini verse at the end from the author? :)))

Write your opinion in the comments ❤️❤️❤️

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