Chapter 35. "The Scent of a Woman."

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Perfume says more about a woman than her handwriting.

Coco Chanel.

- Excuse me, I was looking for the bathroom. - I started making excuses.

- Right down the hall, last door. - She said sweetly, and she looked very pretty, wearing a short, burgundy-colored silk robe. Her hair was stingy black and a little wavy, black eyebrows and scarlet lips, no wonder, she was Italian... though she had no accent, she spoke English very well.

- And you? - I began to speak when she interrupted me.

- I am the daughter of Signor Lamberdi," she smiled, "I often visit my father for holidays, but otherwise I live with my mother in Rome. But nothing compares with Naples, it has a very different atmosphere and life.

- You're very beautiful," I said. - My name is Joanna.

- Nice to meet you," she came up to me and held out her thin hand, "my name is Viviana.

- Likewise, it's a beautiful name. - I said.

- "Thank you, you too..." she answered, and then added, "and what is your relation to Mr. Wright?

- Do you two know each other? - I smiled," I said, "I'm his wife. - When I said that her face instantly changed.

- Wife? - She grinned, - when did he do that? I can't even believe Edmund got married...

- It was only recently...

- I see, I'm happy for you. Congratulations. - She said, "I'll wait for you downstairs on the first floor.

- Yes, thank you. - I answered and headed quickly for the bathroom, and to be honest I was angry, I was sure that Edmund and Vivian had something to do with it...

On Edmund's behalf:

We were talking to Señor Lamberdy and I got worried because Joanna still hasn't come back.

- If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find my wife. - I said.

- Sure, Edie, I think she's okay. - He said and then Viviana showed up on the doorstep, I was shocked.

- Ciao, Edmon! - Proclaimed the black-haired woman, only she called me that, she mangled my name with the pronunciation in French.

- Hello, Vivi. I didn't know you were here. - I approached the girl, to which she kissed me on the cheek.

- I guess my father wanted to surprise you. - She said, and then Señor Lamberti showed up.

- Vi, I told you I had to go out tonight for dinner.

- Well, I'm sorry, Dad. - She smiled," I haven't seen her in years. - She kept looking at me.

- Where is Joanna? - I asked.

- She's in the bathroom, when did you get married? - She started to ask, and the señor stepped away to ring the bell.

- It happens, as you see.

- I thought you'd be faithful to me and that you still had some feelings for me...

- It's all in the past, you know I don't go back to him.

- Edmond," she took my hand, "I missed you very much.

- Vivi, I have to find my wife!

- Let's go see her," she continued to hold my hand.

Anyway, to explain the information, Viviana, has been my girlfriend for a very long time, although she is almost the same age as Joanna, much younger than me, this did not stop us to spend hot and passionate nights together, at some point in my life I moved here to Naples to recover and start life anew, then I met Senor Lamberdi, an acquaintance of my father, it was there that he introduced me to his daughter, although Vivi, was young at the time we met, we immediately spent the night together she fascinated me with her Italian charms and I was head over heels in love, but everything ends, I left and began my American life with Sandra and then with Stacy.

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