Chapter 52. "Evil has triumphed."

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Perhaps our world was created so that evil could exist.

Jules Renard

- Who says good is stronger than evil?

Maybe YOU will answer me, he who reads this...

This time, or again, evil has triumphed and now we are talking about our main character, Edmund Wright, about that man who let evil into himself, found himself captive to his own delusions, feelings and emotions...

Sometimes we do not notice how we make mistakes ourselves, how we step in the mud, how in a quarrel or anger we do not try to find out who was right and who was wrong, although let us be honest, in a quarrel both are always guilty...

I wonder if our main character has ever thought that what is happening to him is probably his fault, maybe if he hadn't left his wife alone and gone away, this wouldn't have happened... Yes, Sean is his close friend, but is that really the case?

Why did he go and leave him with Sandra after all, he went away forgetting about his friend and that he had promised him to always be there for him.

Or maybe he should have taken his wife with him. Maybe none of this would have happened...

But, unfortunately, often people don't see their own vein and dump it on others.

Yes, Joanna has sinned, yes, she has done wrong and ugly, but let's not forget what Edmund did to her when he roughly speaking before her eyes cheated with Viviana...

Or was it all Oswald Wright's fault? A resentful, angry and cruel man who didn't get what he wanted, and for such people who have power, oh, believe me, not getting what he wanted means disgracing himself...

Perhaps if Oswald had seen someone else besides himself, he would not have done this to his son, made him into what he is now, a murderer and a moral monster.

Or was it the fault of Joanna's parents, the impudent father and the poor mother, who, respecting her husband, had decided to sell her daughter to a stranger? If they hadn't done that, none of this would have happened...

Or maybe it's Henry's fault, yes, the guy who loved Joanna, maybe he shouldn't have been a coward, maybe he should have shown his feelings and proved that they were meant for each other, proposed to her and lived happily ever after?

Or maybe it was Stacy's fault? Why not, maybe she should have kept loving Edmund and submitting to him and instead of tears and resentment meeting him with hugs and love, proving that she cared about him.

Or maybe it was all Sean's fault. If he hadn't taken drugs and accepted that Edmund would never be with him, maybe then none of this would have happened?

Or Sandra, because she called Ed in tears, she just wanted to see him and the way I see it she didn't care about Sean at all, she wanted Ed, she got that in part, well maybe if it wasn't for the scandal she would have stayed with him and he wouldn't have come?

Or was it all Tony's fault, maybe when he saw his uncle and Joanna maybe he should have used force then and taken the girl to his place? And not answered his uncle's call, but went back to sleep...

How much theory, how many people are involved in all this and no one ever admits their guilt, much to our regret and the scariest thing is that this pattern happens to us in our real lives too, we just don't get into it, but in reality good always loses to evil and it's very sad to hear that...


- Edmund, stop! You're hurting me! - The brunette screamed, because for days now Edmund has been brutally raping the girls from his friend Oscar's brothel...

- Shut your mouth! - The dark-haired man said hoarsely, a few more movements he freed himself from the heavy burden and throwing the girl roughly on the bed he stood up and headed to the bar, pouring himself his fifth glass of bourbon he sat in a chair and taking his cigar from the coffee table, he began to drink and inhale the poisonous smoke...

He did not care that he hurt the girls, they no longer existed for him, they were just toys in his hands... he covered his eyes and then Oscar walked in,

- Edie, my happiness, what are you doing? - Looking at the bloody bed and lying motionless his best worker, the man said," What's wrong with you?

- Are these 'butterflies' more precious than me? - He opened his eyes and looked at his friend.

- How can you say that? - grinned his friend, - we have been friends for so many years, can I replace you for them? - Pointing a finger at the girl, said the friend.

- Then be kind, do not interfere in my life! - Said the dark-haired man and got dressed and left the place...

Edmund got into his car and drove through San Francisco at night...

The brunet had only one thing on his mind, how to get his hands on another shipment of cocaine...

And the drugs again, Ed was really hooked on them, and now nothing could stop him. He arrived at the club and met up with an old acquaintance, namely Kevin, the dude they had had a fight with, Kevin was a dealer so Ed knew who to get the goods from.

- Edie," he walked up to the dark-haired man, "how many times? How many days in a row have you done this?

- Since when are you interested in my life?

- Since you became insane-what happened?

- It's none of your business," the guy said, clearly, "just give me a couple of bags.

- No," the guy said calmly and headed for the balcony.

- Come on, Kev, just give me the coke and we'll go our separate ways.

- Are you trying to repeat that fool Sean's fate? - He looked at Ed," Stop it, you're not going that far, look at you! - Pointing at the guy's appearance, Kevin said. Yes, Edmund had really deteriorated in both face and health, drugs, alcohol and fighting had turned him into a walking corpse, if you can call it that...

- Kevin, how much money do you need? - He pulled out his wallet and took out a couple hundred bucks and gave it to his friend," Give me the powder!

- No, I already told you that, and I won't say it again. Go home, Ed. Get some sleep and come to your senses! - Said Kevin and headed back as the dark-haired man grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him toward him, hitting him and knocking him to the ground.

- What the hell are you doing? - Kevin started to wave it off, but Ed couldn't hear him anymore, blow after blow Kevin's face was turning into a puddle of blood, Edmund wasn't thinking anymore he was hitting, not feeling any pain, nothing. He struck one last blow, Kevin was no longer moving, whether he died or fell into a coma Edmund didn't care at all, he reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and took a sheaf of cocaine bags and just walked away. When he left the club and got in the car he instantly opened the bag and poured the white powder on the edge of his index finger, took a deep breath with his nose, started the engine and started the car.

His head began to swim, the state of terror, depression, betrayal and everything else just left him, the feelings of drug use cannot be explained, you have to try it out, see what you would never see when sober... Edmund was driving heavily, nearly bumping into another car a couple of times, he didn't give a damn, he was listening to some American rap music and just enjoyed it...

The hard brake... Edmund almost hit the windshield, he must have hit somebody, he got out of the car and there was a girl.

- Are you all right? - He looked at the girl and asked

- Are you retarded? Watch where you're going! - She yelled and quickly walked to the other side of the road...

He got in the car and couldn't come to his senses, because in every girl he saw her, Joanna Morris, the one who could make his life a living hell...

From the author:

Hello there, my good people. What do you think of this chapter?

What do you think of everything that's going on?

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