How Are You Feeling Y/n?

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~Third Person Pov~

You lay in the infirmary room on the avenger campus. A neck brace and a few bandages wrapped around your arms. Sleeping peacefully while hooked up to IVs and machines motoring your health.

Bruce, Steve, Natasha, and Rocket sit around the room keeping an eye on you. "She's been through so much... Losing her close friends and being beaten up to death," Rocket lowered his head looking down at the ground.

Steve turned to look up at Bruce who was motoring your vitals. "Have you figured out what's been causing y/n from coughing and vomiting blood?" Bruce runs his hand through his hair shaking his head.

"Haven't figured out about that problem yet. I need y/n to wake up soon to go through more tests to rule out anything that's not causing the problem," He walks up to the medicine cart.

Inserting medicine through your iv "But for now this should help her throat," He walked over to take a seat next to Steve. As everyone in the room stayed quiet.

"What do you think she went through during the two weeks with Thanos?" Rocket broke the silence in the room. "From examining her wounds and bruise. She's been beaten up pretty badly...If only we rescued her sooner,"

~Your Pov~

Warm bright light hit my eyes as I tried to move my body to feel a hard tight foam wrap around my neck. Opened my eyes trying to sit up "Woah Woah y/n you need to rest your body," Bruce quickly settle me back down.

Slowly examining the room to seem familiar "A-are we in the avenger's campus?" I curiously asked Bruce who controls the bed to sit me up. "Yeah, we're better off here since I'll be able to treat you,"

My body began to tense up again. No...not again. Putting my hand over my mouth trying to stop myself from coughing fit. No more blood...Please I can't handle it again. Blood drips down the corner of my mouth.

Bruce handed me a napkin to wipe the blood off.  "Since your awake, I was hoping to run more tests to figure out why you've been coughing up blood. Can you tell me when it first started?" Nodding my head finishing whipping blood from my mouth.

"I went through a brutal battle against Thanos before he could get the soul stone. But...he was too powerful with the other stones. Leaving me all bruised on my neck and down. After being kidnapped by Thanos it started to get worst,"

Bruce puts his hand on my shoulder "Well, now you're safe with us. And not letting you go any time soon," Lightly smiling at him as he lays me back down on the bed. "I'll take a quick chest x-ray and be back with your results,"

He grabs an x-ray hanging on top of the ceiling. Taking a quick pic before walking out of the room. Hopefully, he finds out what's wrong with me. Lifting my hand in front of my face gripping a bit to see sparks of f/c magic.


Sitting myself up a bit to see Tony in a wheelchair with an iv drip. He lost so much weight...What did he go through? He wheeled himself into the room sitting by bedside. "Hey..." Weakly greeting him as he caresses my hand. 

"How did we end up here? You are completely injured from head to toe. I, stuck in a wheelchair and taking in fluids by an Iv."

Shrugging at his comment "None of us could predict Thanos's actions. Will both feel better once the rest of the team comes back home. Hopefully, they can deal with two injured members," It will be nice to see everyone on campus again. I looked up at Tony who had a sad expression on his face.


He looks away from me as I gripped his hand trying to look at him. "Tony...the rest of the team is alive...Right?" He slowly looked up at me shaking his head. Quickly sitting up from the bed ignoring the pain running down my neck. "...I lost the kid," N-no...this wasn't supposed to happen!? T-they're supposed to be a-alive!

Taking a step out of bed as Tony stand up placing both of his hands on my shoulders. "Y/n, please lay back down! You're still injured from Thanos!" I ran my hands through my hair. They have to be alive! Gripping my hair to fall onto my knees.


A large sensation shook the whole facility and my whole body immediately felt weak. Placing a hand on the ground while the other covering my mouth from crying any further. Loki did not die for no reason!

B-bucky...T'challa...Peter...Wanda...and Vision. 

I-I broke my promise to him. To her. Oh my gods I will never be forgiven. W-why does everything feel so fuzzy? My eyes wander up to see Bruce injecting some sort of liquid into my iv. 

"I'm sorry y/n..."

~Pietro's Pov~

Sitting in the living room while staring down at the photo of Wanda, Vision, and I. Why did they have to disappear...Wanda where are you? Why did you have to leave me...Standing up from the sofa to feel a large sensation shaking the grounds.

Seeing a glimpse of f/c magic causing the floor to shake. The only person with f/c magic is y/n...Quickly running into the infirmary of the campus. Entering the room to find y/n on the floor. 

Steve and Bruce lifted her up from the floor and Tony in the corner of the room. "What happened?" I curiously asked as they set her back in bed.

"We don't know. We just found her on the ground in front of Tony,"

Turning my attention to Tony to find him staring down at the floor. "Tony, what did you say to y/n?" Steve asked as he continue to stay quiet then mumbles something under his breath. 


"I told her the truth..."

How could he tell her the truth!? After, all she's been coughing up blood and bruises all over her body! "How could you tell her! After, all she's been through you couldn't have waited?!" Steve yells at Tony before storming out of the room. 

I walked over to her side noticing both of her arms covered in bandaids. "Have you figured out what she has?" I asked Bruce who nodded his head pulling out the chart.

"After reviewing her x-ray and blood work. Y/n has pneumonia. We're gonna need her to be confined in her room until she's healthy again,"

"For now, she needs to rest,"

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