W-Wait...It's Who's Birthday?!?

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~Your Pov~

"Can I just have one nibble?"

"No Pietro! It's for y/n remember?"

Slowly opened my eyes to see Wanda stopping Pietro from taking a small piece of cake. While Vision tries to keep the cake far from him. "Sssh, y/n can wake up any minute," He spoke softly trying not to wake me up.

"A bit too late for that," I sat up in bed as the three-duo walked up to me with a small f/f (favorite flavor) cake covered with frosting and ten candles.

"Make a wish y/n," Wanda happily said as I stare back at the light candle ...To see my family again. Blowing the candles out. They happily clapped as Vision began to slice the cake "Remind me again why we're hiding the fact it's your birthday?"

Pietro curiously asked while stuffing his face with cake "I'm trying to avoid a party being thrown for me," Wanda handed me a piece of cake before sitting down across from me in bed. "Why?" She asked as I stare down at my piece of the cake.

"I don't have many fond memories of celebrating my birthday. I'd rather keep this year on the low radar,"

The three of them nodded their heads in understatement as a flash of loud lightning could be heard outside of the compound. I stared at Pietro, Wanda, and Vision. Crap,...It might be him. Running out of my room into the living room to find Tony and Sam standing around


"Lady y/n! Happy birthday!" Thor walked up to me holding a bouquet of flowers. "Oh, thank you Thor. You didn't have to," Grabbing the bouquet out of Thor's grip. "Well, it's one way how I'll be celebrating your birthday,"

"Wait, it's your birthday?" Slowly turned around to face a clearly irritated tony staring down at me. "Mind telling me why you kept your birthday a secret?" He crossed his arms as Sam sat down. 

"This should be good,"

"...Because you always go all out when it's somebody's birthday," I mumbled while staring down at the bouquet of flowers.

"I do not!" Sam and I looked at each other before looking back at Tony. "Alright! I sometimes overdo it! But you all deserve the best party ever!" He finally admitted being over-board with throwing parties.

"What's going on? I could hear you guys from the training room," Steve and Natasha walked into the room all confused. "Y/n didn't tell me it was her birthday today!" Tony childishly called me out to Clint and Nat.

They quickly looked at me with their arms crossed "Why didn't you tell us y/n?" Nat took a step towards me.

Looking down at my feet. How do I explain to Nat? She'll be mad if I tell her the truth. Thor walked in front of me. "I've asked lady y/n to keep it a secret. Since you're all invited to her birthday ball!"

My eyes quickly widen open as I turn to look at Thor who kept a smile on his face. "Hold up! We're invited to go to Asgard?" Sam bluntly asked Thor who happily nod his head.

"I'm in! Steve, you coming?" He shouted across the room as Steve was about to turn the corner. 

"Why not. We never got the chance to visit Thor's planet before," He walked up to Thor and I. "Everyone comes outside! I'll bring you to my home planet!" Thor happily smiled at our friends as everyone gathered outside in front of the compound. 

Thor lifted his hammer up in the sky quickly teleporting us in front of the gates of Asgard. "I see you've brought guest Thor," Turning around to see Heimdall smiling. 

"It's good to see you again Heimdall,"

"You as well princess Y/n. I wish you a happy birthday," I smiled back at Heimdall. "Wow, they weren't kidding about Asgard being made of gold," Tony stared at aw of the kingdom of Asgard. 

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