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Eventually, night has fallen as the stars grew brighter each day. I must know the truth about today. I walk over to the balcony and feel the cold breeze hitting my body. I wonder where Loki and Thor are? Looking back down at Asgard as I noticed thunder on the outskirts of Asgard near the rainbow bridge.

Where did Thor go? I heard a knock on my door turning around to find Frigga standing near the doorway.

"Something amusing outside Y/n?" Frigga curiously asked as I look back at the outskirts of Asgard. "Thor,...was near the rainbow bridge. Do, you happen to know why?" Frigga walks near me to look at the rainbow bridge.

"No, I don't,"

Frigga puts her hand on my shoulder "I believe it's late. Let's go to bed," I nodded my head as I took one last glance of the outside before entering back into my room. Walking towards my bed as Frigga looked at me.


I look up at Frigga "Yes?" I reply as she looked a bit distracted by her own thoughts. "If, you had a choice. Who would have you married?" Slowly look down at my lap. If I had a choice? Loki? Or Thor?

"I-I don't know. I was never given a choice from the start and I don't want to hurt either one feelings,"

Frigga gave a reassuring smile "I know you were never given a choice. Being brought to an unknown realm at such a young age. I know that question might have been a bit overwhelming. Sleep well,"

I wonder why Frigga asked such a question. I've known Thor and Loki for almost my whole life! We've grown up together! I-I can't choose between them! It will seem unfair.


I couldn't get Frigga's words out of my head. I-I don't even know anymore! I was never given choices during my life in Asgard!


I snap out of my thoughts to notice Sif holding both of my shoulders looking concerned about something.

"Something wrong Sif?" I curiously asked as she narrows her eyes."I should be the one asking you that question. I've been calling out to you Y/n! For almost five minutes! Is something on your mind?"

I look back at Sif before slowly looking back at the mirror. All I ever will see is a girl who wasn't given opinions since she was five years old. I look back at Sif.

"Last night, Frigga asked me a question. A question I was ever asked about until that day," Sif started to look more concerned.

"What was the question?"

"If I had the opinion...would I've married Thor or Loki," Sif let out a sigh. "Well, what did you say?"

"I don't know. It was the first time I was ever given an opinion! Ever since I was little everything was picked out for me! I was never asked what I wanted!"

{Betrothal} Avengers Various x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now