Training practise

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Hi readers,
Here are a few things you probably want to know about how my character, Alex, before you start:
She has Dark brown hair, light blue eyes, on fleek eyebrows, is 1 metre and 70 cm, and is slim and fit. The characters Peter Pan, Hook, Tinkerbell and Felix are all based off the TV series 'once upon a time' (ouat) and it can be found on Netflix.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring. Slamming my fist onto the alarm, I drag off my sheets. I walk over to the windows to open the curtain when I realise it's only 5o'clock in the morning (I have track practise) and so the sun probably won't be up for another 2 hours.
Stumbling clumsily to the bathroom, my toe somehow connects with the wall. I jump around, blowing on my foot, expecting something to happen. Finally making it to the bathroom, I find the sink and splash my face with water, automatically feeling like slapping myself for doing it. I then realise I haven't even turned the light on yet, so I feel the wall for a light switch. I find the light and turn it on, suddenly limiting my vision so I slam the light off again. I do a little 'to bright, to dark' episode and eventually walk back to my room. I throw on some black, tight, boy-cut running shorts and a dark blue loose singlet then pull my hair into a ponytail. I shove my feet into my runners and race downstairs. I then run upstairs again, realising I forgot my bag (you can never warm up to early). At five-thirty on the dot I walk out and drive to the sports stadium. After hitting 3 curbs and doing an excuse of a parallel park, I arrive to the graceful greeting of 10 extra laps for being tardy. We do wind sprints, planks, sit ups, squats, jumps and timed sprints. I've always had an edge with running and the school coach and got me into training when I was 10, so I've been running for a while. At 7o'clock training finally finishes. I have a cold shower in the gym toilets and put on black skinny jeans that crumple round the ankle and a white 3/4 shirt with a V across the chest. I then kick on my black converses and run back to the car. It's 7:28am and I'm supposed to start work at the daycare centre at 7:30. It's my first day and I don't want to be late, even though it's just a favour for my sister who has maternity leave and asked me to fill in. I'm not too worried, as I often have a good effect on children. Well, actually anyone really. My friends say it's because I'm pretty, but I don't think so. I mean, I could be pretty, but the weather lately has said otherwise. I walk in and go straight to the staffroom and I'm greeted by 2 women about my age and another man who looks in his early 20's. There's Maggie, who has gorgeous caramel skin and blonde hair, Veronica with her dimples as deep as her ocean blue eyes and Frank, who I think lifts and has one of those mouths that suit braces (he has red ones in at the moment). I introduce myself as Alex (short for Alexandra) and then sort stand there, staring into a blank space. Eventually I go outside to see the children and they're all painting. I show them how to make the colours mix together and we make hand trees with their arms as trunks of the trees a their hand prints as leaves. After a while it's time for the kids recess break so I excuse myself and go see the other staff. Veronica is chatting away at Maggie but I then pick up that she isn't listening to Veronica at all. She's focusing on Frank, who is attempting to put a bandaid on a 2 year old. I immediately decide that Frank is a hands-off guy, out of dignity to Maggie, and so go to Veronica to drag her away and to let Maggie have some time with Frank.

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