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"And I ask again, Ms.Lipton, when did you plan these murders and when to set up Edward Munson?" He questions her, and I listen to my lawyers orders, keeping a straight face as he questions Jackie. She's been looking at me almost the entire time, but I've been instructed to not have any reaction.

A single tear falls down her cheek, and she continues to look at me. She has no remorse in her eyes, she doesn't care. "I did not plan to murder anyone or to set up Edward. I am innocent."

"Ms. Lipton, you said that the worst day of your life was March 21st, 1986. Why is this?" He questions, and looks over to the Jury to make sure they were paying attention. "It was just a bad night. I got blackout drunk and couldn't enjoy the best moment I had with my friends."

He huffs, almost rolling his eyes, "Oh so that's why it was bad. Are you sure it wasn't because of the murder of Chrissy Cunningham?" He questions, and she sighs, glaring at me before looking at him again. "I had nothing to do with the murder of Chrissy Cunningham. I would never have a reason to hurt her or any of the other people involved in this case." She shoots back at him.

"Ms. Lipton, tell me, how much money did you and your brother make to be able to afford the house? Because listed here, neither of you had jobs." He says, pulling out a file that shows all of their information on it, including them paying their bills. "Does this have something to do with your other brothers arrest for the possession and selling of drugs?"

"Objection, your Honor, relevancy." Her lawyer stands up and says. "Sustained. Rephrase the question."

"Have you ever worked a job with your brother?" He rephrases, and Jackie sighs."I don't have to answer that if you seem to already know." She says shrugging her shoulders.

"Explain to me your relationship with your brother, Miles. Did you get along well with him?" He says as he pulls out a picture of them. "He was my brother, we had no choice but to be close." She replies, and I could see the frustration on her lawyer's face. She's clearly going against everything that they told her to do.

"And exactly how close were you guys? Would you say that he would do anything for you?" He questions, and he pulls out another picture of Jackie and her brother to show the jury. "Yes, we we would do a lot for each other. We are siblings."

"When was the last time you saw Miles Lipton?" He asks, keeping eye contact with her. "A few days ago." She replies.

"What happened the last day you saw him? Is it true that you guys were arguing before his death?" He asks, and once again her lawyer stands up, and objects. "Objection, your honor, relevancy!" She yells, and the lawyer that we have for Eddie looks over at the judge.

"It is relevant to know if she argued with her brother before he died. If they argued about what they were doing, this leads us to how the last girl wasn't killed like the others. How she survived." He explains, and the Judge node. "Overruled. Continue."

"We always argue about stupid things, he's my brother, and I care about the decisions he makes." She answers, and I can tell she's beginning to get nervous up there. "We know that Miles Lipton died due to gang violence. Would you say that that's something you argued about?" He asks, and she looks at her lawyer nervously before answering.

"Sometimes, yes, we would argue about his poor choices." She replies, and he nods his head. "So you were are that he was apart of a gang?" He asks, and she stays silent, so he moves on the next question.

"How well do you know Samantha Mayfield?" He asks, and her and I make eye contact once again as he asks. "She stayed with my brother and I for a while."

"And would you say that you and Samantha got along? Over the last months, she's stated the multiple times that the two of you argued." He continues, and she sighs. "We definitely had our moments, but we also had times when we got along. After she moved out again, we lost touch."

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1Where stories live. Discover now