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I struggle to open my eyes when I start to wake up, only really being able to see out of one. I look around the room, seeing Eddie sitting in a chair looking at me. I look at the time, my eyes widening when I see it's already 5 pm. Why would they let me sleep this long? I try to move, but my adrenaline from last night has worn off, and the pain coursing through my body is excruciating.

Eddie stands up, walking out of the room, and he quickly comes back in holding many items in his hand. "Here's something for the pain. Also here's pancakes, eggs, bacon, and orange juice. I know it's not breakfast, but you just woke up, so." He says, holding a pill in one hand the food in the other. He's balancing the orange juice in his hand.

Everything from last night comes rushing in, and I look away from him, tears coming to my eyes. I reach up, touching my swollen eye, and I gasp at the pain and the feeling of it.

Eddie sets everything on the bedside table, and he sits down on the bed. "Take the pill, it'll help the pain." He says, extending his hand out. I don't say anything, but I grab the pill, swallowing it.

The longer he sits in front of me, the longer I think about how he lied to me, and how everything last night could've been avoided if he would've just been honest with me from the beginning. "I.. uh- I just really wanted to say that I'm sorry, again. I know this all my fa-"

"Eddie." I interrupt him, and he stops talking, and glances at me for a second. "Hmm?"

"I don't want to hear this right now." I answer him, sitting up on the bed and looking at the food, but I decide not to eat it. "I know, but I'm going to keep saying it." He says, reaching his hand out and touching my leg, but I pull my leg away.

"But I don't want to keep hearing it. You're sorry that I got hurt, but you're not sorry about lying to me. I'm sure if everything went smoothly, I would've never known." I say, suddenly feeling irritated about the situation. What's the point in lying about it? This whole thing is so fucking stupid.

"I am sorry about lying to you. It was so stupid." He breathes out, and I look up at him, shaking my head. "You know, last night I thought that I was going to die, and the only thing that I wanted to say was I love you to you. You didn't even say it back."

"Wait- Sam, I-"

"No it's fine, how crazy am I to think that I feel something like that after countless days of being with you every single day, sleeping together multiple times, and literally surviving the craziest shit together?" I interrupt him again, and I', to stop myself from saying anything I might regret. I just need a day away from him, time to think and focus. I've been letting him completely run my mind, so much that I nearly forgot about everything going on.

"Sam, please just let me talk." He says, and I sigh, feeling bad that I'm completely bashing him. I look at his face, glancing at the cut on his cheek. "Did you even get this cut from Jason? Or did you lie about that too?"

"One of those men got me in the face." He says, reaching his hand up and running his fingers along the cut. I scoff, looking away from him. "Figured. So you got hurt like that and still decided that it would be good to go out and do it again?"

"Sam, I wasn't thinking straight. I haven't been thinking straight. I didn't do any of this to hurt you. I only think straight when I'm around you." He argues, and I roll my eyes at him. I don't know why I'm so mad right now, but it's really pissing me off.

"What else did you lie about?" I question him, standing up and getting further away from him. I groan once I realize that everything that I need is at the hotel. "That's it, I promise."

"You know, maybe you're right. Maybe you should stay here and I guess I'll go back home." I start, and this makes him stand up and walk over to me. "I was out of it when I said that last night." He says, looking down at me, and I know his apologizes are sincere, but I can't stop thinking about what he did.

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1Where stories live. Discover now