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I turn back around to see all of them completely gone. I know I was slightly behind, but Jesus, they could've waited. I freeze and fear courses through my body as I hear a singular chime from a clock.

No. No, no, no, no.

"Guys? Guys!" I scream, looking around, and there it was, the very clock that Max told me about. Propped next to a tree, the glass shattered. I turn around, trying to rub towards the house, but suddenly the clock is in front of me.

I look around, seeing multiple clocks surrounding me, and every time I try to get out of the way another one appears. Spiders start to come out of the clocks, crawling towards me, and I let out a piercing scream, trying to get away from them.

They begin to crawl up my body, hundreds of them. I continue screaming, tears falling from my eyes as I try to  get them off of me and away from this. "Someone help! Anyone? Can anyone hear me?"

I can hear the same sinister voice that I heard once before, and his words sends chills down my spine. I close my eyes, trying to remind myself that none of this is real.

"Samantha. Your suffering is almost at an end."

"Sam? Sam!" I hear Eddie yell, and I break out of my trance to see him calling my name from ahead of me, and I gasp as I look around, catching my breath.

I blink a few times, trying to collect my thoughts before answering him. "Sorry! I'm coming!" I say, quickly walking over to him.

They wait for me to catch up, and Nancy opens the door, walking in and looking around. We all follow behind her, avoiding the vines and looking around.

"Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler." Robin jokes, but everyone is too focused to laugh at what she said. "Come on. I don't want to stay here longer than we have to." Nancy says, and she makes her way to the stairs.

I start to follow them, but Steve grabs my arm, stopping me. "Are you okay? You got pretty far behind. I knew you should've stayed in front of us." Steve says, and I look at him, sighing.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just was out of it for a second." I lie, and he nods, touching my shoulder and he begins to walk up the stairs, but he stops. I don't know what to do, everyone is going to freak out when I tell them, but I have no choice, they have to know.

"Did you just hear that?" Steve asks me, and I look at him confused. It's nearly completely silent in the house, but I was zoned out, so there could've been something.

"Hear what?" I question him, and he walks back over to him, turning me to look where he's looking. "Dustin." He replies, and he continues looking around the house like he's looking for Dustin.

"No, I did not hear Dustin." I reply, and he groans, throwing his head back. He starts to look around, moving things. "I swear to you, I heard Dustin." He continues, and he's walking around the house like a crazy person.

"How would you hear Dustin?" I ask him. I know for a fact that they did not come into the water. I mean, they could've swam and jumped into the gate, but there's no way they fought off those bats and made it here at the same time as us.

"Maybe they jumped in after us, I don't know." He answers, running his fingers through his hair. "There's no way they would've made it here. Are you sure you hear him?" I say, walking over to him, and stopping him from pacing around the room.

"Yes. I'm sure." He says, sitting down and groaning. I look at him weirdly, and he starts to whisper Dustin's name.

Okay, he's creeping me out.

"Okay, you figure this out, I'm going to help them upstairs." I reply to him, watching him pace back and forth again. I walk up the stairs, walking in the room to see them looking in a box.

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1Where stories live. Discover now