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"I'm going back in. He can't do this alone." I say, frantically looking around the room for something to use to get back into the gate. I refuse to just leave him in there, and I know he came up with some crazy plan to keep us safe, but it's not going to work. He can't deal with a whole swarm of bats by himself.

Dustin looks just as stressed as me, and he's pacing back and forth in the room. He stops for a moment, looking at me trying to drag a dresser to the gate. "Sam, you can't go in there by yourself, wait for me." He says, and I pause for a second, taking a deep breath and looking at him.

"We don't have time to wait, okay? He has no idea what he's actually up against." I reply, and he rubs his eyes in frustration, letting out a line of swear words. He looks up at the gate, and then looks down at me again. "You can't just jump in there blind, he already moved the mattress. We have to think about this." He replies.

I know he means well, and technically he's right, but the last thing on my mind is thinking. I want to just jump back through that gate and find him. It's killing me to not know where he's at right now. When we get back I'm going to tell him how incredibly stupid it was for him to do this.

"Dustin, there's not time to think, okay? Eddie thinks he's doing the right thing, but I can't risk anything." I say, returning to the dresser and trying to drag it. It's way heavier than I expected it to be. I sigh, leaning over and pulling out the clothes out of the drawers, trying to make it lighter.

Dustin comes over to me, grabbing my arm and stopping me. I look up at him confused, trying to understand why he's stopping me. "Wait, wait, I'm coming in right after you. Also, this dresser won't work." He explains, pushing the dresser back. "Well help me find something, quick!"I yell out in frustration.

He pauses, looking around the room, and he stops. I can tell he has an idea in his head and he really wants to get it out. "If I get a chair, do you think you can run and jump up there? The only downside is you'll be falling right to the ground head first." He says, and I nod my head. Anything will work, I don't care what is it. I just need to get back in there, and quickly.

"I think I'll be able to turn my body fast enough. Plus, a little fall won't hurt me." I reply, and he walks out of the room, and comes back shortly with a chair. He sets it under the gate, and he seems to be measuring the distance with his mind. He's such a smart kid, I don't know how he does it.

"Okay, move out of the way." He says, and he runs to the chair, and nods his head. "Okay, you're all good, if you run from the door and jump you should make it through." He continues, and I walk over to the door, preparing myself to jump through the gate.

"I don't have time to drag the mattress back under, do you think you can jump too?" I ask, and he looks through the gate, looking at the ground that we'll both be landing on. "Yeah, I can handle the jump." He replies, and I nod, putting my back flat against the door to make sure I'll make it.

"Do you have any idea where he might've went?" I ask, trying to think of what I'm going to do once I get through the gate. I have no idea where he is or where he could've gone. He could've went through the woods, or he could've stayed out in the open. He could've went towards the Creel house. I just have no idea.

"I don't know. He couldn't have gotten far on foot. Just yell out his name, use your intuition." He answers me. I sigh, nodding, looking at him one more time. "Okay, you follow behind me." I say, and he gives me a thumbs up.

"Okay, here goes nothing." I whisper to myself as I take off running towards the chair. As soon as I reach it, I jump on the chair, heading into the gate, and before I have a change to think, I'm flying down towards the ground in the Upside Down.

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1Where stories live. Discover now