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"Sam, wait up." I say, grabbing her arm and stopping her from getting on the bike. She sighs, and I know she's letting her mind get the best of her, but I have to try. 

"Eddie, I know what you're going to say, but please wait.  If something happens to me then I don't wa-" she starts, but I interrupts her, getting closer to her before she could finish the rant she was starting.

"Don't say that. Nothing is going to happen to you, I won't let it. And the second we figure this shit out, I'm fixing this, fixing us." I say, and I try to hide the frustration on my face. She's being so stubborn, and there's no reason for her to be.


"Come on guys! Let's go!" Steve yells, interrupting our conversation. She sighs, looking at me before getting on the bike, and I follow after her as we catch up to them.

We continue quickly biking, but yet we're still not there. It's like the upside down distance is further than in the real world, if that's possible.

"Seven miles is longer than she thought." Sam breathes out, trying to catch her breath while continuously pedaling. "We're almost there, you got it." I reply, and she glances at me and back to the ground.

We turn the next street, getting to the entrance of the trailer park, and she glances at her trailer. I watch her, making sure she's okay as we near my trailer.

"It's right here." I say, getting off of my bike and letting it hit the ground. Everyone gets off as well, standing up and catching their breaths. Sam stops pedaling, holding her chest as she tries to breathe.

She's so cute.

"That's gotta be a Guinness World Record. Most miles traveled inter-dimensionally" Robin breathes out, smiling at her own joke. I shake my head at her, looking over at Steve.

"Just inhaled a bunch of that crap." Steve coughs, trying to clear his throat. "It's stuck in my throat." He continues, trying to cough it out.

We all start going towards my front door, and Sam is still setting her bike down on the ground and trying to get air.  "Wait, just one- she can't breathe. How are you guys breathing right now? Did you guys do some fucking bike marathon before that she'm not aware of." She says, putting her hands on her knees.

"Some of us aren't out of shape, Samantha." Steve says, and she glares at him, giving him the middle finger. I knew he would be the once to say something.

"Okay Mr. Lifeguard. You know she don't ever remember seeing you actually be a lifeguard." She says to him, and he steps closer to her, looking at her confused. "Don't lie." He says, and she gives him the same look back.

"I am not lying. I genuinely do not remember you being a lifeguard." She replies back to him, and his mouth widens at her words. "I literally was a lifeguard befor-" He starts.

"Guys. Focus." Nancy interrupts, and she turns back around, starting to open my door. "Sorry." They both say, and Sam give her a middle finger that she can't see. Steve shakes his head at her and we all walk into my trailer.

"You could use a maid too." Robin says, looking around my trailer. Sam let out a laugh at her words, and I glares at her. "Yeah, she forgot to come clean up three years ago." I joke back at her, and the three of us laugh.

"Goddamn." Steve says as we all look up at the gate. Did my body really go through that thing? It's so weird looking and creepy, and it looks like something is inside of it. I look up a the ceiling, frowning.

"This is where Chrissy died. Like right where she died." I say, taking a deep breath and staring at the spot. This is where all of this shit started, with Vecna killing Chrissy.

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1Where stories live. Discover now