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I look away from the water, looking at Jason talk to the police. I have no idea what he could be telling them, but I'm sure it's nothing but bad things about Eddie. I glance at his other friends, who were looking at me. I look away from them, walking around the house and back towards my car. I manage to avoid the police as they were all surrounding Jason, but I hear Jackie call my name.

I turn around, glaring at her. "Jackie, I don't have time for this, I have to go find Eddie." I say, and she reaches out her hand, holding a gun, trying to hand it to me. "Oh- now you want to bring out a gun? Unlike you, I'm not scared of Jason, I don't need a gun." I say, and she pulls it back, hiding it under her pants.

"I'm sorry. I did what I thought was right." She replies, and I roll my eyes turning away from her. She continues to talk, but I'm already tuning her out and nearing my car. I get in, throwing the bag and everything in the passenger seat, starting the car.

I pull off, heading towards Nancy's house. I pick up the walkie-talkie, trying to get through to them, but I'm assuming Dustin turned it off after I was trying to reach Eddie. "Dustin?" I yell, but I hear nothing, and I groan, throwing the walkie-talkie back on the seat.

I swear we have these walkie-talkies for emergencies, but yet whenever there's an emergency, no one answers. I finally get to Nancy's house, and I park terribly on the road, rushing out of the car. I make sure to grab the walkie-talkie just in case Eddie tries to reach me. I walk into the house without knocking, earning me a weird look from her dad.

"You know there's this thing called knocking, right?" He asks, and I stop for a second, looking at him. "I'm sorry Mr. Wheeler, Nancy told me to come right in." I apologize, trying to walk my way out of the awkward situation. I inch my way towards the stairs, and he just shakes his head at me.

"Don't let him bother you, sweetie. You know you can come right in, the kids are downstairs." Mrs. Wheeler says, and I smile at her. "Thank you." I say, and she pulls me in for a hug. I wave at Holly before walking downstairs, and everyone turns to look at me, confused.

"Sam?" Max says, and I take a deep breath, standing in front of all of them. "So, we have a couple of problems." I say, and they all sit up, concerned about what I'm going to say next. I try to recollect all of my thoughts before I even start to begin to explain to them what happened.

"What happened?" Dustin asks, and everyone looks at me for an answer. "First, I was right about Patrick being cursed. I'm sorry Lucas, he's dead." I say, and they all gasp, looking around at each other. Lucas puts his head down upon hearing the words, and Max moves to comfort him. I haven't really had the time to process his death, there's so much going on at once.

"How do you know?" Nancy asks. "He died at the lake by Reefer Ricks, when I got there the police had the place surrounded. I saw them wheel his body out."

"Wait- why was he there?" Robin questions. "Jason and his friends found out that Eddie was hiding there. I don't know how the hell they figured it out, and I don't know what all happened. By the time I got there, Eddie was gone and Patrick was dead."

"What do you mean Eddie was gone?" Lucas chimes in, looking just as confused as everyone else.

"I mean, Jason and his friends must've chased Eddie out onto the water because Jason said that Eddie was on the boat, and he's convinced Eddie killed Patrick too." I reply, and bringing up talking to Jason only confuses them more. It seems like the more I explain, the more confused they get.

"You talked to Jason?" Steve asks, looking at me crazy. "Yes, and I don't know if Eddie ran or if he drowned, but for our peace of mind, I'm going to assume that he ran. I'm also assuming he has no way to reach us, or he got arrested..." I trail off, hoping that he's somewhere trying to reach us.

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1Where stories live. Discover now