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"I don't have room in my car, actually. Fully packed." I say to her, and she looks at me weirdly. She probably thinks that I'm lying, but I'm being serious. There's barely enough room for all of us. "Sam, please. Just for a couple of days." She says, and I groan, looking at Steve who is waving at me to hurry up.

"Right now is just not a good time. I'm busy." I say, trying to walk away, but she stands in front of me, stopping me. "Busy with all of your friends? I know they're all with you. Where are you guys going that I can't go?" She questions.

"Jackie, you don't understand, okay? Remember everything I told you? We're dealing with that, and you cannot be there." I remind her, and she continues to look at me with the same look on her face. It is clearly not clicking with her that it would be extremely dangerous for her to come with us."Why not?"

"It's dangerous. This is something you've never dealt with before. No." I repeat, and she smiles at me, turning around and walking away from me. "I can't hear you." She says, plugging her ears. I rub my eyes in frustration, watching her walk away from me.

"Jackie! Jackie, seriously? Sir, I'll take this." I say, setting the shotgun on the table, and handing him a card. It's probably my mom's, but she'll be fine considering I gave her a whopping 100,000 dollars.

"Just this for you?" The worker asks, picking up the gun, and I nod. "Yes, that will be all. Jackie, wait!" I yell, watching her walk towards the trailer. I quickly grab the card and the gun from the man, rushing towards the door. She continues to ignore me, following right behind Steve as he swings the door open. We all rush into the trailer, and I slam the door shut behind me.

"What happened?" Lucas asks, and Steve looks around at all of us, "We have to go."

"Your old friends are here." Erica says as she sits next to him, and his eyes widen as Steve starts up the trailer. "Shit." He replies. I set the bags down on the ground, and Eddie looks between me and Jackie in confusion. I shake my head, sitting next to him so that I don't go flying when Steve takes off.

"Let's go. Let's go!" Dustin yells, and Steve begins to yell back at him. "I'm going! I'm going! Sit down!"

"Uh- what the hell is she doing here? Are you crazy?" Eddie asks, and I close my eyes, taking a deep breath as Jackie begins to talk to me again, "I can help. Just let me help." She continues to argue, and I roll my eyes at her. She is already in the now moving trailer, it's not like I can just kick her out now. There's really no other option but to let her come.

"Well, I guess I have no choice. You're already in here." I reply to her, and everyone seems to just now take notice of her. Did they not see her barge her way into the trailer? "What is she doing here?" Dustin asks.

"She must've followed us here, and she helped me get away from Jason. I can't convince her to leave. And it's a little too late now." I say, and he looks at Max and then looks back at me. "There's something wrong with your sister." He says to her, and I glare at him, not saying anything.

"Okay, but we have things to do. Things that she can't be there for-" He starts, and I try to let him finish, but I end up interrupting him. "She knows about Vecna."

"What?" Dustin and Robin say at the same time.  "She does?" Max says next, looking at me confused.

"Who is this?" Lucas questions, and before I can begin to answer any of the questions, they are all already asking more. "Why? How?" Steve yells from the front. "She saw Patrick die." I say to them, and all of their faces get a lot calmer.

"Fuck." Lucas says, and Erica looks at him weirdly from his profanity. I remember that they really haven't had the chance to meet Jackie. Only Steve, Robin, and Nancy have. "Guys this is Jackie, Reefer Rick's sister." I say to them, and they all nod their heads, finally putting the face to the person that I have been telling them about.

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1Where stories live. Discover now