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A pounding on the door immediately wakes me out of my sleep. I gasp, opening my eyes and turning to see that Eddie was waking up too. He start to stand up to go to the door, but I put my hand out, stopping him.

He looks at me weirdly, and I shake my head no. If for some reason we've been tracked down to the motel then he can't just go and open the door. I stand up, quietly walking over to the window and looking out to see who was there.

There stood Robin, continuously pounding on the door. I go over to the door, opening it and she gives me a smile once seeing me. "Sorry to interrupt your slumber, but the clock is ticking." She says. It was early, and I wanted to punch her for waking me up, but her raspy voice was like music to my ears.

"Any type of warning would've been nice." I reply, and she ignores me, waving at Eddie. I roll my eyes, closing the door and walking over to the bathroom. I grab my toothbrush, starting to brush my teeth as I watch Eddie climb back into bed.

"So.. what did you guys do last night?" Robin asks in a teasing tone, and I glare at her, not being able to talk properly while brushing my teeth. She walks into the bathroom, shutting the door so that we could talk privately.

"Did you guys have like, "we watched somebody die together" sex?" She whispers, and I nearly spit out the toothpaste in my mouth. I look at her crazily through the mirror, and I take the toothbrush out of my mouth to talk to her.

"No- we did not have sex, and we never will. Okay? We're only spending time together because of the circumstances we're in, do you think Eddie would be hanging with me if none of this happened?" I reply, and she seemed to be staring in my eyes to see if I was lying.

"Okay you have a point, but also the circumstances happened. So there's nothing wrong with you moving on." She says, plopping herself up on the counter.

"I did move on. I'm madly in love you Robin." I joke, and she cracks a smile, playfully giving me a kiss on my cheek. I truly do love Robin to death, couldn't imagine doing any of this without her.

"Seriously, you know that you can sleep with people other than Steve, right?" She says, and I ignore her, wiping my face off with a towel.

"I have slept with other people than Steve." I reply.

"Like who?"

"Your mom."

"Damn, that was a good one." She says pointing at me, and we both break out into laughter. We haven't had time to sit and joke in a long time. We both calm down, her later than me, and I wait for her to finally catch her breath over the joke that wasn't even that funny.

"If I can be transparent.. we did sleep in the same bed last night." I say quietly, avoiding eye contact with her.

"WHAT?" She yells, and I immediately cover her mouth with my hand, looking at her with wide eyes. "I saw a spider in my bed, so we just shared a bed for the night."

"Did you guys cuddle?" She mutters out through my hand over her mouth.

"I think at some point our legs were intertwined, but that's all. You know it's not like that, he literally only thinks of me as Max's older sister and Steve's ex. Plus you know me, I refuse to be with anyone again, especially not in Hawkins." I whisper, looking at the door to remind her that he was literally right in the room.

"If you keep that energy you'll be a born again virgin!" She exclaims, earning another glare from me.

"Everything is not about sex Robin. Okay- yeah sex is great, but I don't want to be heart broken again. You know how bad it was in Europe."

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