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"Hey dipshits! This way!" I hear a voice yell, and I snap my head towards the voice. I squint my eyes, seeing Dustin. How the hell is Dustin here? I saw his leg snap, I know I did.

I look down, seeing his leg perfectly fine. I scrunch up my face in confusion, running over to him. He has now replaced his torch, and he has wrapped the cut rope around it. He takes a match, lighting the rope, and the bats immediately back away from us.

He swings it towards the bats, and they stay back, letting out screeching noises from the fire. They back away, and this gives us some time to run away. He leads the way, twisting and turning around trees, and I'm still amazed at his ability to be able to run right now. Maybe I completely was not paying attention when he fell. He must've been screaming because he hit the ground.

What a little baby.

He drags us into a random house, swinging open the door and slamming it shut. He moves a couple of things in front of the door, and I continue to look at him confused. I go over to the window, and I can see the bats in the distance.

The fire worked better than I thought it would. I thought I would for sure lose a lot more than this, I can deal with a little hair gone. "New haircut?" Dustin asks me, and I walk over to the mirror, looking at the choppy mess that is my hair. I quickly look away, trying not to think about it.

Eddie comes behind me, and moves my hair away from my face. "I will pay for anything you do to your hair." I give him a small smile, looking at him in the mirror. "No need, I'll just cut off some of yours." I say, reaching my hand back and touching his hair.

His mouth opens, and he pulls away from my touch, backing up. "You are not touching my hair." He says, and I shake my head at him, turning back towards Dustin. "Okay, sorry, I'm missing the point. Dustin, how the hell are you here? I thought you hurt your leg." I say to him, and he looks at me weirdly.

"What do you mean?" He asks, and I look down at his leg before looking up at him again. "I swear I saw you hurt your leg." I answer, and he shakes his head, looking away from me and looking at Eddie. I see them give each other a look, but I ignore it.

"No, I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, I have the walkie-talkie, and I can't get through to Robin, Steve, and Nance. Either they lost connection or they dumped the walkie." He explains, pressing the button, and there's nothing but static. I frown, walking over to him and grabbing it out of his hand.

I try to get through to them as well, holding down the button and yelling out Robin's name. I listen for a reply, but I hear nothing. I sigh, looking at Dustin again. "We need to go there." I say.

"Incase you forgot, there's a swarm of bats. We have to wait it out, we can't just bring the bats to them." He explains, pointing towards the window. I walk over to the window, looking through it and looking at the bats that are now surrounding the house. "They're going to be trying to get in any second now." He continues.

I stop for a second, closing my eyes and trying to think. We can't just leave them there, we have to try to do something. I'm not leaving my friends alone because I know they would do the exact same for me. "What if something happened? We have to go there." I say, glancing at Eddie for help.

"I'm with Sam on this one, I think we should go." Eddie says, coming over and standing next to me. Dustin groans, looking between the two of us. "And what's your plan to get rid of them?" He asks, and I look down at the now burnt out fire that he had.

"They're scared of fire, all we need is fire to keep them away." I explain, and he sits there for a second, debating it. "I don't know if we shou-"

"We can't just leave they could possibly be hurt. If not, well then there's more of us to kill Vecna. Vecna was supposed to already be dead. Let's look for something to get some fire's going, and we have to go." I say, no longer asking. Either he's going to come with us or he's going to be here alone, and I can't bring myself to leave him.

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1Where stories live. Discover now