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Whoever make this picture, I hope all of your dreams come true. ^

Also I did not proof read this. I'll fix the mistakes tomorrow.


I blink a few times, adjusting to the sun coming in from the window. I look up, seeing Eddie still asleep. I try to move, but but he has a tight hold on my waist. I giggle quietly, picking up his arm and moving it over.

I slowly get out of his grip, standing up and rubbing my eyes. I feel him grab my arm, and I nearly scream when he touches me. "Where are you going?" He mumbles, his voice extra deep from just waking up.

"Bathroom." I say, and he let's go of my arm. I reach down, picking up the basketball shorts that he threw on the floor in the middle of the night. I put them on, and they don't fit, but it'll do.

I walk into the bathroom, gasping when I look at myself in the mirror. The hickeys on my neck are bright and prominent. I run my hand along them, and I pull down the collar of my shirt, blushing when I see all of the hickeys on my chest.

"Jesus.." I whisper, getting flashbacks from him kissing on my neck. I really need to cover this, I don't have time to explain how my neck looks like I got bit 1,000 times. I sit down on the toilet, thinking about what to do.

Okay, I can call Robin and tell her that she needs to come get me, then we can go to my house. I don't even know what time it is. I stand up, flushing the toilet and washing my hands. I pull my hair over my neck, trying my best to cover everything.

I walk out of the bathroom, walking into the kitchen and looking for a phone. I look at the counter, blushing, and I quickly look away, trying to stay focused on what I'm in here for.

"Good-morning." I hear a voice say, and I grab my chest. I turn to see Miles sitting walking down the hallway. "Good-morning, you scared the shit out of me." I breathe out.

"Sorry." He chuckles, walking past me and to the fridge. "Hey- where's the phone?" I ask, and he points by the couch, and I finally see it on the wall. I thank him, walking over to it and dialing Nancy's house in hopes of getting Robin.

"Hello?" I hear Lucas say after continuous ringing, and I let out a sigh of relief. "Hey Lucas. Where's Robin?" I ask, and I hear him call Robin, and shuffling.

"Hey lover." She says, and I smile, turning away from Miles so that he can't see my face. "Hey. I need a favor. Can you come pick me up instead of Steve, please?" I ask, and she pauses.

"Uh- he left like 5 minutes ago to come get you." She says, and I groan, resting my hand on my face. "What's wrong?" She questions, and I take a deep breath, trying not to get irritated so early in the morning.

"Nothing. How's Max?" I ask her, and she goes quiet for a second. "I know you're lying, and you will explain. Are you sure you're okay? I'll make Nancy drive so you don't have to get in the car with him. And she's fine, she hasn't slept, but she's okay for now." She replies, and I smile at how good of a friend she is.

"I'm okay. We'll talk later. I guess I'll see you soon." I say, and she replies with "Okay. I love you."

"I love you too." I say, slamming the phone, and Miles looks at me crazy. "Is Jackie here?" I ask, and he nods, tilting his head in direction of her room. I walk over there, knocking on the door, but she doesn't answer.

I knock harder, and again she doesn't answer. I roll my eyes, lifting my hand up to knock again, but she swings the door open. "Yes?" She asks, and I could tell she was still asleep.

"Sorry to wake you. Do you have like a turtleneck or something?" I ask, and she rolls her eyes, walking away from the door and into her closet. She rummages through it, not saying anything, but at least she's looking for me.

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1Where stories live. Discover now