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"What the fuck is happening?" Eddie yells, and I look over at him. "I told you this is some scary shit." I reply, and he looks down, picking up the oar and swinging at one of the bats, looking down to see Steve being choked by one.

We're all yelling and screaming as we continue to fight the bats, and everyone's screams are overlapping each other.  "Come on, come on, come on, you son of a bitch! I said come on! Let's go!" I can hear Eddie yell, killing one of the bats as it flies right into the broken oar.

I turn, swinging at a bat myself, ducking as one flies over my head. I look around, watching Robin fling a back from Nancy's back.

Steve grunts and yells as he swings a bat around, and rips it in half with his foot. "Steve!" Nancy says, running over to him. "Jesus H Christ!" Eddie yells, throwing the oar on the ground, and walking away from us.

I walk over to Steve, looking at the wounds he's received from the bats. They don't look too bad. "Uh, do you guys think these bats have, like, rabies?" Robin asks, and we all look at her weirdly.

"What?" Steve asks. "It's just that rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear. And I think we should get you to a doctor soon because once symptoms set in, it's too late. You're already dead." She continues, but she's cut off as we hear more creatures snarling.

We look off into the distance to see a much larger group of bats coming towards the opening of the gate. "All right there's not that many. We can take them, right?" Steve says, and we all look up at how many were coming.

"No, no we can't. The woods, go!" I yell, and we all take off running towards the trees, no destination in mind, just anywhere away from these god awful bats. I look around, trying to make sure that everyone is keeping up with us.

"Skull Rock, go to to Skull Rock!" Steve yells, and we take off running after him, trying to keep up. He continues twisting and turning in different directions, and we almost lose him.

When we reach the rock we all get under it, catching our breath. We all look at each other as we look at the bats flying in the air. The gate is now guarded, so we pretty much have no way out.

"Oh... okay. That was close." Robin breathes out, and we nod our heads in agreement. I hold on to her arm, still trying to catch my breath from the excessive running that we've been doing.

"Yeah." Steve says, breathing hard as he holds one of the bites from the bat. "Too close." Eddie and I say at the same time. We both look at each other, and I look at Steve stumbling.

"Oh, sh... shit." Steve grunts out, holding on to the wall for support. Nancy rushes over to him, and I stand up as well, walking over to him to make sure he's okay.

"Steve? Jesus." Nancy says, holding on to him so that he doesn't fall. He looks a little woozy, it must be from the blood he lost. We really need to find a way out of here, he isn't well enough for anything else to happen.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." He says, leaning against the wall, and I frown at his words. He's clear as day lying, he just doesn't want us to feel bad about it. "You don't look fine." I reply to him, pulling his hand back so that I could look at the wound.

Damn, it's worse when you get closer.

"No, no, no. You're not. You're losing blood. Come on, sit. All right? Alright." Nancy says, and we both help him sit down. He squeezes his eyes in pain as he sits, squeezing on to both of our arms tightly. "Oh God." Nancy continues as she finally gets a good look at it.

"That bad?" Steve asks, and I shake my head no at his question. "It's not bad. Just weren't prepared for what it would look like." I reply, and he rolls his eyes at me. He knows that I'm lying as well.

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1Where stories live. Discover now