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Eddie (Starting from Chapter 013)

I hear a soft knock on the door, and I look at it confused, Sam just walked out. "It's Sam!" She yells out, and I shake my head, walking over to the door.

I swing open the door, looking down at her smirking, "You just can't resist me, huh?" I say, watch her look down and blush.


She reaches her hand out with the bat in it. "What is this?" I ask, grabbing the bat with nails all over it from her. 

"It's um, for protection. Just in case Jason comes." She says quietly, and I scoff at her comment. "It's cute that you think I need protection." I reply, looking at the bat, analyzing it.

"You made this?" I ask, and she shakes her head no. "Jonathan did." She replies, and I look at her confused. Am I supposed to know who Jonathan is? "You remember Jonathan from high school," She says, and I think of people from school, trying to remember a Jonathan.

"Steve's ex's new boyfriend?" I ask, thinking im thinking about the right person. She nods her head yes, and I laugh, and then I realize that he must know about this upside down shit. "Wait, so Johnathan knew about all of this shit before me?"

"Did you forget that Will is his brother..?" She trails off, and I laugh again, "Oh my God, I forgot that the kid who went missing was a Byers." She starts to laugh, and she looks up at me, smiling.

"You haven't met him, I forgot. You'll see him at graduation though, I'm sure they're coming to see Nance." She comments, and I smile at the fact that she continues to bring up me graduating.

"Is he as weird as the others?" I continue laughing, and she playfully rolls her eyes at me.

"You mean as weird as you?" She jokes, and I can't help but to keep laughing. I'm sick of her, actually, I keep smiling around her.

"I see you have jokes for days, Mayfield." I say looking down at her. I look down at her lips, putting out my tongue and licking mine. Ever since I kissed her, I want to do it again. She's addicting, and I hate that shit. She looks away, but I keep my eyes on her, my eyes meeting hers when she looks at me again.

We both jump, hearing the horn of a car, and she sighs, "I have to-" she stops, pointing towards the door, and I nod, understanding.

"Yeah, no- go." I say, and she nods, turning away. "See you.." She starts.

"Later." We say in unison, and we both smile. "Bye." She says awkwardly, and I laugh, watching her walk to the car. She's nervous around me, surely that's a good sign.

I close the door again, turning to see Jackie in the room again. "So is that the friend who you've been staying with?" She asks, and I nod my head, walking over to the couch and sitting down on it.

"She's pretty. I'm sure Miles will be excited to see her." She comments, and I'm nearly offended by it. "And uhh, why do you say that?" I ask, reaching and grabbing a beer from the counter.

She looks at me weirdly, "Because she's like drop dead gorgeous. I'm going to tell him about her." I ignore her, standing up and walking into the room.

She managed to annoy me that fast.

I'm bored, extremely bored. I wish she was here, then at least I could be bored with her. I lay back, stretching, and falling asleep.


"Eddie, man, get up!" I hear a voice say, and I open my eyes to see Miles hovering over me. People really have to stop waking me up like this. "Come on, I have a deal for us." He continues, and I groan, getting out of the bed.

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