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Sleep is nonexistent. Every time I close my eyes I can see her getting hit in the face over and over, and all because of me. I can tell she's angry with me. No attempts to kiss me, no attempt to hug me.

I fucked up.

I knew it was stupid and I still did it. I thought it was for the best, and I knew I was risking everything by doing this, but I had to. She won't ever understand, and I have to live with that. We'll get through it. I'm not losing her this soon.

I've become so attached to her so quick, and I need her. I fucking need her.

I've been watching her sleep for the longest. It's the afternoon and she's still sleeping. I'm guessing she was exhausted, and I know she's in pain. Her face is all messed up and it's all my fault.

I'm anxious for how everyone is going to react when they see her, but I have to be ready for them to yell at me, it is my fault. I haven't even had a chance to think about Jackie. I know I should call her and tell her, but now isn't the right time.

I know that the police won't know. These guys kill people left and right and we never hear about it. I'm assuming that they have people to take care of shit like this.

I see her starting to wake up, and I walk down into the kitchen, seeing Steve sitting on the couch. He turns to look at me, and I look away, walking into his kitchen. I know she's hungry, but I have no idea how to cook shit. I don't know how I survive now.

"Breakfast in the oven, just warm it up." Steve says, and I sigh in relief, opening the oven and grabbing the food. "Thanks man." I place it into the microwave, waiting for it to get warm. As it dings, I grab the food, setting it on the counter.

"Any medication?" I ask, grabbing a glass and filling it with orange juice. Steve stands up, reaching into a cabinet and handing me a pill. "They're strong. She'll only need one, but she needs to eat." He replies, looking at me, and I nod, grabbing it.

I quickly walk back into the room, holding many items in my hand. "Here's something for the pain. Also here's pancakes, eggs, bacon, and orange juice. She know it's not breakfast, but you just woke up, so." I say, holding a pill in one hand the food in the other.

She looks away from me, tears coming from her eyes. She reaches up and touches her swollen eye, and she gaps as she feels it. I look away, immediately feeling guilty.

I set everything on the bedside table, and I sit down on the bed next to her. "Take the pill, it'll help the pain." I say. extending my hand out. She doesn't say anything, but she grabs the pill, swallowing it.

I can see her unfocused on everything, and she's staring off into space. I have the urge to apologize again. I just want to apologize over and over.. "I.. uh- i just really wanted to say that I'm sorry, again. I know this all my fa-"

"Eddie." She interrupts me, and I stop talking, and glance at her for a second. "Hmm?"

"I don't want to hear this right now." She answers me, sitting up on the bed and looking at the food, but she decide not to eat it. "I know, but I'm going to keep saying it." I say, reaching my hand out and touching her leg, but she pulls her leg away.

Oh, she's mad.

"But I don't want to keep hearing it. You're sorry that I got hurt, but you're not sorry about lying to me. I'm sure if everything went smoothly, I would've never known." She says, and I can hear the anger in her voice.

"I am sorry about lying to you. It was so stupid." I breathe out, and she looks up at me, shaking her head. "You know, last night I thought that I was going to die, and the only thing that I wanted to say was I love you to you. You didn't even say it back."

The Deal [Eddie Munson] 1Where stories live. Discover now